Chapter 02

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It had been one week since the group of teens successfully summoned and bound the demon Kyuubi. Tonight, they were finally going to try and use the demon's power. There were no words to describe how anxious they were, their nerves were enough to make them almost regurgitate their supper.

Over the past week Minato could think of only one way to try and coax the power out, just talk to the demon, sounds easy enough, right? As the group of boy's weave through the trash riddled alleyways on their way to the abandoned factory district they start to wonder if this is actually going to work, after all how can something make your dreams come true just like that? Seven O'clock rolls around and the group arrives at the same factory they summoned the demon known to them as Kyuubi.

Upon entering the empty factory warehouse the group zero in on the spot they left untouched a week ago, but it felt like forever, had it really only been a week? Since the day of the summoning the boys felt themselves change, not physically but mentally. The thought of this possible power was doing things to their minds, they spent every spare moment looking through what they were referring to as "the demon manual" trying to see if there was anything they could make sense of, which they couldn't.

They decided unanimously that if they can actually get the demon to respond to Minato that they will ask for the power to understand the text within the book. If they managed to summon a powerful demon without knowing what they were doing imagine what they could do being able to actually read the old decrepit book.

Gathering around the previously drawn circle they all took a seat this time awaiting Minato to take the crystallised lotus. Slipping off the straps of his backpack he reaches around behind him and brings the backpack around and places it on top of his lap. Feeling from left to right searching the zipper for the pesky slider, he finally finds it on the opposite side he began his search. Slowly lifting and dragging the zipper up and around he reaches into his bag searching for the item that feels smooth yet sharp around the edges. Once locating the crystal, he gently lifts it out then lifts his bag with his other hand and discarding it gently behind himself.

"So, Minato, what exactly are you going to do to get this demon to communicate with you?" His best friend Nadire asked.

"If I'm being honest my only thought is to hold the crystal and start talking to myself inside my mind, if that doesn't work then maybe verbally talk to it?" says Minato.

"Hmm, I guess it's worth a shot, not like any of us have any better ideas" says Raiga. Minato suggested that everyone sit in the same place they were standing during the summoning.

Starting at Minato and working their way right was Nadire, Minato's best friend, he's a tall thin teen with pale skin, long dark chestnut and eyes the colour of cobalt. In the third spot sat Raiga, a tall well built teen that had charcoal coloured hair and lavender coloured eyes. Dosu sat in the fourth spot, a short hunched over teen who was in a large house fire when he was a child and was badly burnt so he keeps all of his face except his lone black eye wrapped in bandages. The fifth spot sits Gengko, a teen who is of average build and height but possesses plum coloured hair, a matching goatee and eyes the colour of milk chocolate. Ryuki was in the sixth spot, he's a tall thin teen who had short spiky hair the colour of ash and eyes the colour of amethyst. The seventh spot sat a teen named Kongo. He was a short robust teen with long spiky coffee coloured hair worn in a low ponytail and eyes the colour of the night sky. Spot eight, the final spot sat Iishi probably the most annoying of the group, he was a short, slender teen with toffee coloured skin, platinum blonde hair with eyes that dazzled like emeralds.

With all boys sitting tall and proud in their respective spots, Minato began to speak to the Kyuubi demon within his mind. Nothing, absolutely nothing happened.

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