Chapter 2: Can an Evil genius Crash on Your couch For A few Days?

Start from the beginning

"Ahem. Still waiting on that Salmon Eggs Benedict." Eggman says.

"Coming. Coming!" Tails calls from the kitchen.

Tails brings over the Salmon Eggs Benedict. Eggman looks at it.

"I asked for egg whites. These are yellows. See the yellow? I'm trying to watch my cholesterol. And this salmon is farm-raised! What is this, prison?" he criticises. I snap. No-one disrespects my friends when I'm around.

"Listen here baldy. I don't know who the hell you think you are waltzing into here and bossing people around. Lair or no lair you better show some respect! Your lucky Sonic and Tails aren't heartless jerks and are at least willing to feed you!" I'm about to launch at him but Sonic reacts quickly as he grabs my waist and hoists me into the air before I can do any damage.

"Wha-Sonic! PUT ME DOWN!" I yell, my back pressed against his chest.

"Geez Malaika! Chill!" he says. I eventually calm down and he put me down on my feet. I cross my arms. Eggman looks pale.

"At least I scared some sense into him." I mutter. Sonic just chuckles.

"Who are you? Are you an alien? Were you sent to spy on us from the government!" Sticks watches me suspiciously.

I laugh. "Certainly not. I'm Malaika. Nice to meet you all!" I say. The pink hedgehog steps forward.

"Hi there! I'm Amy. The badger over there is Sticks and the red Echidna there is Knuckles." she gestures to Knuckles and he waves. I wave back.

"It's all some evil plot, man! First he lures us in with some terrible roommate ploy, but then wham! Out comes this fifty-foot Obliterator Bot that obliterates us all! We gotta get outta here." Sticks inhales.

"I agree with sticks." I say. Everyone turns to me like I'd just grown three heads.

"Think about it logically guys. He tires you to the point where your in no fit state to fight then summons his dumb robot to crush us all into pancakes."

"Guys, we have to help him. If we don't, we'll be no better than he is." Amy tries to reason with us.

"Yeah, you'll be no better than I am."

"Think about how this is for him. Do you feel scared without a home? Do you feel alone? Are you eating your feelings?" Amy sympathises.

"Somebody get her away from me." Eggman shuffles away.

"Guys, if Eggman needs to stay, he can stay. Who knows? He may not be so bad after all." Tails says. Eggman smiles.

(Time skip)

Tails is screwing a lightbulb into his plane.

"Pillow fight!"

Eggman hits Tails with a pillow, causing him to drop the bulb. Tails glares at Eggman.

Eggman is trying to whack Orbot and Cubot with a pillow, while Sonic is trying to clean up around them.

Eggman is sleeping in the couch, evilly laughing between snores. Sonic, me and Tails are on the floor, straining to cover our ears.

Sticks opens the fridge, and finds that everything is locked up in Eggman containers except for a single vegetable.

Sonic is asleep on the floor, when a feather appears on his face. He opens his eyes.

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