Antonio: "Get him outta here."

Jules: "Looks like a lot of cars we'd find in narcotics. Generic dummy plates. A lot of 'em have traps built in to move the dope and cash" she begins looking around the car, finding a hidden wire which opens a hidden compartment after hot wiring it "Okay. There we go."

Matt: "So what does this mean? Who are we looking for?"

Jules: "Someone who was moving major dope."

Hermann: "Hey! There she is." he cheers, along with the others as Ryan enters the room, moving over to give her a hug

Cruz: "Get in here."

Hermann: "How you doing, kid?"

Ryan: "Ah. A little sore but that's to be expected" she nods, looking over at Boden who enters the room "I'm not trying to work. It's just I got bored at home and...figured I could help plan for the opening." she shrugs, watching as Boden moves over, pulling her into a hug as the others give them soft looks

Dawson: "That's so nice of you. Thank you. Bye. Optical shop on the corner is gonna donate a couple pairs of sunglasses to raffle off."

Otis: "Great. And as soon as Zoya starts, she can help go collect all this stuff."

Ryan: "Who?"

Otis: "Uh, my cousin. From Russia? Zoya? We talked about this."

Hermann: "When?"

Otis: "At the soft opening?"

Hermann: "What? When I got, like, six beers in me?"

Otis: "Hey, you signed off, dude."

Hermann: "Do you know anything about this?"

Dawson: "First I've heard of it."

Hermann: "Ryan?"

Ryan: "Nope."

Otis: "Okay, uh, she's here on a six-month work visa. But apparently, the nanny job was killing her. She's nice, she's cute, she's got restaurant experience, and you agreed to it."

Hermann: "What kind of restaurant?"

Otis: "Who cares?"

Ryan: "It's fine" she shrugs "It's extra help for a low price."

Hermann: "You guys are killing me."

Otis: "Ah, you'll love her."

Boden: "Ryan..." he motions for her to step outside the room "Casey's heading back down to the fire scene with the detectives. We wanted to know how comfortable you'd be with going...fill in a couple of blanks for us."

Ryan: "Yeah, okay."

Boden: "Are you sure?"

Ryan: "Yeah...yeah I wanna find who did this."

Boden: "Okay. Come on."

Genevieve: "Hey. How you holdin' up?" she asks Ryan, coming over with Matt, Antonio, Jules, and Voight following behind her

Ryan: "Best I can." she nods

Boden: "There's no security video. Two of the cameras were fake. The other had no database. Arson is saying it doesn't look like a break-in."

Genevieve: "Same director of this clinic runs another over on Wabash."

Voight: "Let's take a look. Thanks, Chief." he nods as they begin heading inside, Ryan looking nervously at the building before slowly walking inside
Boden: "This is the ignition point." he nods as Ryan looks around the room her and Troy were unconscious in

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