Shay: "Wow, that's cool."

Cruz: "A war medal?"

Mouch: "Silver Star. Third-highest military decoration for valor."

Hermann: "Of course."

Matt: "For gallantry in action, Clifford Baylor."

Dawson: "We gotta find this Clifford Baylor, Herrmann, get this back to him."

Hermann: "Yup!" he groans, running a frustrated hand down his face

Kelly: "Did Heather come by?"

Matt: "Yeah, she, uh...this whole Academy dinner thing, she wanted to tag along with me and Ryan."

Kelly: "Ryan barely wants to come into work with dad being around, I don't she'll want to go do a dinner where he's gonna be there."

Matt: "Yeah, I know" he sighs "But I told her she should come along anyway, right?"

Kelly: "Yeah, it's good you're doing that."

Matt: "Yeah. And listen, after Andy, I know she took her frustration out on you. That wasn't right."

Kelly: "Well...she needed time. We all did. It'll be really good to see her."

Kelly: "Morning" he greets, throwing the curtains open in Ryan's room so light fills the space "I'm heading to Lou's for breakfast. Let's go, I'm buying" he pats her leg, watching as she turns over in her spot with a grumble "What's that mumbles?" he chuckles, crawling to lie next to her "Hey, you okay? Feeling sick or something?" he pulls the blanket away from her face a little

Ryan: "Leave me alone."

Kelly: "Alright, want me to bring you back something to eat?" he sighs "Look, you can't avoid dad forever. Let's just get it over with" he shrugs, watching as she turns over in her spot, pulling the blanket over her head "Alright. Time to break out the big guns" standing from his spot he grabs hold of a pillow, tossing it at her head before ripping the blanket away "You're not still sleeping. Get up."

Ryan: "Leave me alone."

Kelly: "Don't make me grab the bucket. A dose of ice water will only piss you off-"

Ryan: "Jesus, leave me alone!" she yells, making his face fall and turn to where Matt stands in the doorway, a look of concern on his face

Jennifer: "Wanna get up and make a sandwich? Or we could go for a run. Get some fresh air. Huh? What do you say?" she questions, sitting beside Ryan as Matt and Kelly watch from the doorway "Okay. Okay" she nods, pressing a kiss to her head, pulling the blanket over her before motioning for the two into the hallway "How long has she been like that?"

Matt: "Started last week. I just thought she was sick."

Jennifer: "And she hasn't gotten out of bed?"

Kelly: "No we tried. So did Shay."

Jennifer: "What about before? What was she like?"

Matt: "She was fine. Happy, energetic." he shrugs with a sigh

Jennifer: "Alright, I'm gonna call a doctor."

Matt: "I'm gonna call Boden. Let him know I'm not coming in."

Kelly: "I'll call dad."

Jennifer: "Your father is probably the reason for this." she grits, heading down the hall

Matt: "So?" he questions when the doctor comes into the living room where he's waiting with Kelly and Jennifer

Doctor: "Physically she's fine. Vitals are all good."

Kelly: "Alright, so if it's not physical what else could it be?"

Doctor: "It could be mental."

Kelly: "What depression or something?"

Doctor: "I'm not equipped to say. I do know a very good psychiatrist I could recommend. His schedule tends to fill up very quickly but I might be able to squeeze you in."

Matt: "Thank you. That would be-"

Kelly: "We'll pass."

Jennifer: "Kelly..." she sighs

Kelly: "No there's nothing wrong with her" he denies, standing from his spot "She's just in a slump cause of dad. You said it yourself, mom."

Matt: "Kelly, look. If there's something going on with her...we should find out."

Kelly: "She's fine. Okay. She doesn't need a shrink or anything like that." he grits, heading towards the bedroom as Matt and Jennifer sigh

Doctor: "I'll leave his card with you. Just in case."

Matt: "Thank you" he nods, leading him to the door "Thanks so much."

Doctor: "You got it."

Hearing the sounds of the doorbell ring, Matt wakes up from his spot on the couch. Glancing down the hall he opens the door to show Heather standing outside

Matt: "Heather, hey. What's up?"

Heather: "You missed the Academy dinner."

Matt: "Oh, my..." he sighs, checking his watch "I'm...I'm so sorry" he steps out the way so she can enter "Something happened with Ryan and...I completely forgot."

Heather: "It's okay" she waves him off with a smile "Is she okay?"

Matt: "Uh...that's yet to be determined" he hums, looking down the hall "Hey, you know, do you mind waiting for a moment. I'm just gonna check on her."

Heather: "Yeah, no problem. Go ahead."

Heading down the hall, Matt opens the door, clicking on the light to find the room empty

Matt: "Ryan" he calls out, checking around the room "Ryan! Ryan!" rushing through the halls he checks each room before heading back to the front

Heather: "Everything okay?"

Matt: "Did Ryan come past you?"

Heather: " Why?"

Taking a look out the window his eyes widen when finding her car missing

Kiss of Death (HOC V.1)Where stories live. Discover now