Sweet Tom of Mine!

Start from the beginning

Tord scoffed lightly, and Tom frowned. He sat up on Tord's lap, and stared at him with sleepy eyes. He stared intensely, before yawning again; only this time, small tears streamed from his eyes. You know? That thing that happens when you yawn, you kinda cry...thou this seemed more...real. Matt stared at Tom and gasped. "Whoa! Tom! What's wrong?"

Tord at up and hugged Tom tightly. "Thomas! I was joking..."

Tom rubbed his eyes and frowned. "Do...do you know what today is...? I just remembered...and-..." Tom continued with a series and mutters and mumbles.

Matt gasped and frowned. Edd walked into the room, dropped a basket full of blankets, and ran to Matt. 'Matt? Why do you look so sad? Baby...what's wrong?" He turned to Tom and gasped. "Tom?!"

Tom frowned. "I'm sorry..." he chuckled sadly. "I'm probably just tired...and s-sometimes this happens...and...I can't even go to see him..."

Tord frowned. "Is this about...your dad?"

Tom nodded. He laid back down on Tord and sniffled. "I miss him..."

Tord rubbed Tom's back and kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby...let it out..."

Tom cried softly into Tord's chest, before shakily falling asleep. Tom sighed. "It's okay Tom...I'll protect you..." he frowned. He grabbed some cotton-balls, and stuffed them into Tom's ears.

Edd nodded. "Good...if Marie or Tomi wakes up, we'll help you, but Tom deserves a good nights sleep."

Matt held Tord's hand and smiled. "You're a good person Tord!"

Edd nodded. "Agreed."

Tord kissed Tom's cheek, before he too, fell asleep.


"Tord-! Tordy...wake up..."

Tord blinked his eye open, and frowned. "Far...? Hva gjør du? La meg sove..."

Paul rolled his eyes. "C'mon...we have shit planned to do today."

Tord nestled his face into Tom's hair, and promptly gave his father the finger. "Fuck off..." he mumbled.

Paul scoffed. "Love, we need reinforcements."

Pat frowned. "Tord, we'll wake Tom up if you won't get up."

Tord sat up and groaned. "Fine....fine...I'm up..." he looked down at Tom and smiled. He pulled the cotton balls from his ears, and kissed his forehead. "Thomas~...it's morning...!"

Tom blinked his green visor eyes open. He smiled lovingly at Tord as he sat up. Tom's shirt, (which was one of Tord's) had one of the sleeves draped over his shoulder. He giggled as he flipped his bangs out of his eyes. "God morgen elskling!"

Tord's heart practically melted. He hugged Tom tightly and kissed him lovingly. "God Tom! You're the cutest fucking thing!"

Tom giggled. He hugged Tord and smiled. "I had such an amazing sleep..." he looked down at the cotton balls in Tord's hand, and he smiled. "Thank you..."

Tord kissed Tom's forehead lovingly, then glared at Paul and Pat. "You would've had longer to sleep, but apparently we have to do something today."

Tom snickered. "Don't get mad at your parents! There's probably something important happening! Right?"

Paul nodded. "Yep! You're hanging with your family today! Just you though, Tord's staying here."

"Wait, what?!" Tord questioned.

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