Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Aurora" The girl turned her head upon hearing her name. Synn also turned and scowled once again when he seen Jace Matthew's, one of Noah's little friends. He was staring at Aurora, who was currently tensed at the sight of him. His face was somber, hands stuffed into his varsity jacket. He glanced at Synn before speaking.

"Can I speak to you, alone?" He asked. Aurora began to panic slightly. She knew she shouldn't be talking to anybody from the Knights gang. Jace knew he shouldn't be talking to her too, he could get into big trouble. Synn stared at the fucker, well, glared. He never really liked him either. Well he didn't like anyone truth be told, but Jace just annoyed him. All he did was lick Noah's ass. Synn looked down at Aurora when he noticed she hadn't replied yet. She was just staring at Jace, her face torn. Synn turned his body so he was leaning against the bookshelf, his front touching Auroras side, her head just about reaching the top of his chest.

"I don't think that's a good idea" His tone was cold as he spoke. Jace looked up at him, unsure of where to look to be honest. He never really heard the Freak speak, always just keeping to himself.

"I wasn't asking you" He shot back. This pulled Aurora from her trance.

"You shouldn't even be here, watch your tone, mister" Aurora scolded, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned to face him, her back now pressing against Synns front. Jace looked at the two for a moment. They truly were an odd pair, but somehow looked good together, as much as he hated to admit it. "Whatever you wanna say, you can say it in front of Sunshine" Aurora stated, nodding at him to continue. Jace glanced up at Synn, confused at the nickname. Meanwhile Synn was cursing the little bitch for using it in front of him.

"I just wanted to let you know that I heard about what Noah did to you that night and I'm sorry. It was completely out of line" His tone was sincere, and he was. He knew Noah was bad but he never though he would be so disgusting to harass a girl. If Noah wasn't currently hospitalised at the moment, he wouldn't have been able to come here to Aurora, though he still had to pick his moment and make sure her two brothers weren't around. Aurora nodded and gave him a small smile, showing her gratitude. Synn, however, thought it was bullshit.

"Also" Jace started, eyes darting to Synn apprehensively. "Tuesday night, Noah was going to tell Mr. King about you and Reeds here. He wanted to win over your brothers trust, and possibly his approval by spilling a few lies about him" Jace said, gesturing to Synn. Aurora gritted her teeth and stomped her foot childishly. Synn wasn't entirely fazed.

"I'm only telling you this cause you deserve alot better than Noah. Watch your back cause he might use it as a way to try win back his trust, not that it would work but Mr. King would still no doubt stop whatever you two are at" Jace finished. He felt alot better now that he had that off his chest. He knew he'd be shot if anyone from his gang ever found out about this, but he felt it was worth it. Aurora King was the Mafia princess, and despite people's expectations, shes a very sweet girl that deserves alot more than what anyone in the mafia world could offer her. If she felt happy with Synn Reeds, though he didnt really know why, then who was he to judge her.

"Thanks Jace. I won't tell anyone, if that's what you're worried about, but I do appreciate it" Aurora said genuinely, with a gentle smile. Jace smiled back and nodded at her. "And what me and Sunshine here are at. Well, lets just say there has been many wild lunches behind these shelves. You're lucky you came when you did or you could have witnessed some porn-" Aurora was cut off when a big rough hand slapped over her mouth. She kept mumbling through it though, despite her words being completely incoherent. Jaces eyes widened at her words. He looked up at Reeds who merely motioned with his head for him to leave. He quickly obliged.

Aurora pried Synns hand off her mouth, giggling to herself. She tilted her head back and looked up at him goofily. He shook his head at the girl. His hand dropped and wrapped around her throat lightly, gently brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb. Auroras giggled quietened down at the sensation of his skin on hers.

"Completely infuriating" Synn whispered. Aurora smiled up at him, knowing he really meant it.


Synn walked into Dunes that night, adjusting his hood as usual. He made his way over to the bar, where Bruise was drying glasses with a towel. Synn leaned forward on the bar to get Bruises attention. Bruise looked up at the boy and pursed his lips. He nodded his head towards one of the doors, placing the glass down and throwing the towel over his shoulder. He made his way to his office with Synn following behind.

Synn shut the door behind him upon his entry. He turned around and seen Bruise behind his desk, rooting through the stacks of scattered files on his desk. The whole room was very crammed. There was bottles, books, clothes, everything thrown around the room in a mess. It was small enough as it was without all this stuff. Even the tiny sofa to the side was occupied with Bruises wardrobe. Synn made his way over to the desk and stood in front of it just as Bruise handed him a bunch of files.

"I dont know how we didn't realise who we were dealing with sooner" Bruise commented. Synn looked up at him, but he just gestured towards the papers. He opened the file and on the first page was a picture of Lorenzo King, one of the most notorious Mafia leaders in the world, despite him being dead. Synn knew of him as people still talked about him around here. He scanned the page that held a bunch of details about this man, until he halted on the title 'children'. This was when things started to click, when he seen all to familiar names on that list.

His heart began beating wildly in his chest. He had an inkling that night in the King household, but couldn't have been too sure. It just seemed so unrealistic, so he made Bruise do a background check. He was skilled at this, finding more information than most would, and certainly more than the King family would like.

Synn turned over the page and seen the familiar face of the eldest brother from that night, Levi King. He placed the papers down on the desk in front of them and hastily flicked through them until he came to the picture he desperately didnt want to see. Auroras big mixed eyes stared back at him. She looked younger here, maybe twelve but it was undoubtedly her. She looked over her shoulder, blonde curly locks cascading down her back as she stared at something in the distance with big innocent eyes. Synns shoulders slumped and he closed the file.

"Fuck" He whispered to himself, though Bruise heard. He went nearly his whole life avoiding people. He never made any friends, barely even spoke to anyone. Yet the one girl he does manage to somewhat tolerate happens to be the Mafia princess that any man would kill for. Literally.

Truth be told, he didnt know what to do. He felt all these things. Betrayed. Guilty. Angry. All things told him to look away from Aurora and not get associated with these people. They would kill him if they found out about him spending time with Aurora, and they nearly did, thanks to Noah. But they didn't. And Synn didnt want them to.

His mind drifted to Aurora instead, just Aurora. He wanted to be angry that she never told him, but he knew it's not something she could just casually tell people. Besides, he wasnt the most open person on the planet himself. He thought about all the men that he heard speak of her. That was before she even moved here, and more recently their gossip began to grow, now he knew why. The thought of all these men thirsting after her made him sick. All the danger she could be in. Weirdly, he began to feel responsible, protective. That night in the library could be the first of many. He knew her brothers could obviously look after her, but he felt he needed to also. Now that he knew who she was, if he just dismissed her and something happened to her, like that night, he could never forgive himself.

He felt torn. But he knew he really wasn't. He could try and stay away from her, and even if he could resist her, he knew there is no way that stubborn little bitch would take the hint.

Synn looked over at the clock on Bruises desk. It was almost midnight. He was going to be late, and she was gonna kill him.

"I'll come by and get them later" Synn muttered, then leaving Bruises office without another word. Bruise stared at the papers wordlessly. He had no idea how Synn felt about this new information. He knew it was probably best if they didn't do work for Alaric King any more, just to be safe. Besides, they would most definitely get caught by their boss if it continues. That wouldn't end well.

What Bruise didnt know was that Synn disagreed with his thoughts. Right as he left the office, he made his way to the bridge where he knew his Mafia princess would be waiting with a scowl seeing as he took so long.

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