☠ Vengeance analysis ☠

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"Is it true that blood is thicker than water?"

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"Is it true that blood is thicker than water?"


Okay when I was reading the chapters for vengeance I was curious of the meaning of her brothers name. Like I do vaguely remember the name meaning of Kaori name but her brothers reall got me thinking and i researched it.

And let me tell you the DETAILS is Amazing like I don't know this is intentional but it was wonderful and I will tell you why. Because first of it was hinted that they are rich and thier father is mostly so busy that he doesn't have time for them. And even hinted that thier father is a well known businessman based on katsou going all over japan with his job. And I tell you why this was important because it can be connected to thier names. This is were it gets interesting this is the meaning of thier names let's start with the oldest.


KATSUO - the word (katsu) means Victory
And (o) means Hero or manly.

This is very fitting name because he is the eldest son and the first born. He carries the responsibility of and expectations of his family particularly his father. As one of the eldest boys his name really reflects masculinity and really relfects his position as well in the family in the gang and him as a person.

Eldest siblings strive to be perfect and strong handle all the pressure to ensure the younger ones are okay and to be rely on when dangers or even when the parents are not here. Their responsibility needs them to achieve every perfect performance and ensure everything is victorious because in that way no trouble or struggles will come to thier loved ones. As an eldest myself we often have to do that so the younger ones jave more chances to be free because the firsy borns are usually the experiment in parenting.

HIDEO - depending on the kanji or writing it can be translated to "cheerful, son, male" but what it truly mean and based on the writing it mostly means Excellent man or even High quality.

So based on the siblings he is the middle child. And they are known as the survivors in the family. Because usually the attenis either on the eldest and youngest and they have to prove thier position in the family. Also because kaori died he is pressured to follow his older brother footsteps. Based on the description y/n gave us to him he studies a lot because of the expectations of thier father. And also the pressure of maingsure he will not disappoint. They have the most to be proven because they are often compared to the eldest and need to fill in on thier own. And that really relates to him on his name.

He has to be excellent for the sake of his siblings so they can have more carefree and happy life. And not be burden of the will of thiers father.

EITO - name means Florurish, excellence person also it depends on the writing to.

What I found this interesting is the way he was named he is the youngest of the male siblings yet you can still see the amount of expectation that is looking down on him. Eito is known for being more of a blacksheep in a way when katsuo is already matured enough to leave the gang life and hidoe preparing himself for adult life. Eito really reflects a teen that still wants to flourish in the things he likes and not on the demands from their family is.

Because being the youngest male he has to catch up to not only the eldets but also hideo. He needs to prove that he can be like them and that may be he doesn't like. It limits his own uniquess and even pressuring him to be more mature despite still be young an invisible pressure on him that's weighing him down. Also the gang fights also shows here his name no matter what no loyalty he has he still flourished as his own standing on his principles and fert not caring about anything he made his own name on the gang world just himself and in a way it's an excellence on its own.


What I like about this that thier father named his sons that way to show his status and expectation on his sons. He is hinted to be a serious and no nonsense guy. And i believed naming his sons that way is a little affection that he expects many great things from them to flourish and lead thier own life and somehow carry thier names with honor and dignity. Names are important in asian culture it is not only our identity but also hold significance in our culture because we carried and are the face of the people who named us and even showing the world who we are and how we grew.

Here the names of the boys reflect not only the hinted family life they have but also how thier names really reflects them as characters showing us that these names are important to them as characters and personality and thier family. Which is amazing

I can write more but this is already long enough



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