🌼3 Atonement Headcanons🌼

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My female friend chatted with me during class yesterday and it was about Kimi headcanons! 😆

This is Purely a fun imagining for the story none of this are canon until proven True by the Author (^▽^)

1.) Kimitsuki likes how she and shinsho interact, he's one of the people who she's feel comfortable because he doesn't judge her.

2.) Katsuki one time absentmindedly followed Kimi to the store, he quickly change direction before she noticed.

3.) All might and her mother was also closed to each other, regularly have tea time together if they are not busy.

4.) Kimi mother is so traditional she learned at a young age flower arrangement, tea ceremonies and caligraphy.

5.) Kimi father once messed up greeting his father in law becausehe was intimidated, which amused Mushanokouji family.

6.) He forcefully bowee his head to the floor it made a loud thud and he's forehead red, he words were scrambled "Good Meeting sir Night to you". xD

7.) Kimi moms likes watching the wisteria trees especially at night they look like their glowing (I can't wait to learn more about her family the recent chapter made me excited)

8.) Kimi top picks for festival foods are the candy apple, choco banana and cotton candy (Ama and her will get along xD)

9.) During middle school she made chocolates for katsuki and Izuku, the later blushed so heavily but was thankful the former was angry and didn't accept it ( he REGRETTED THAT BIG TIME)

10.) Sero sometimes ask her for help in academics so he can be with her and also to kill two birds with one stone.

11.) Kirishima likes how his hero named was inspired by the hero Kimi reminded him.

12.) Kimi made an cute plusie of all might and the other teachers and is planning to give them as gifts.

13.) All might and her dad were quite chaotic together, they once accidentally almost burned the kitchen when her mom was away.

14.) Both him and Toshinori cried at the wedding ceremony her mother was rather amused of two well respected men crying like children.

15.) Kimi's mom is quite the cheerful girl, it's funny because of her mysterious family.

16.) Kimi lowkey compared the mushanokouji family to another family in an shounen manga an family with special eyes also (Naruto Uchiha clan xD)

17.) During break the girls were on the field hanging and was awed at the sight of kimi, She was covered by multiple butterflies.

18.) Kimi and Tenya were teased by Mina when they tried calming the class down, "Sorry Mom and Dad!".

18.) the tenants of her apartment gifted kimi on her birthday a pretty Butterfly ornament hairclip, she wears them on a special occasions.

19.) Preferes sometimes to wear kimonos in events them western dresses, reason it can hide her chest and its quite comfortable.

20.) She doesn't mind wearing western dresses at times, she wear one during an school event and she was one of the person handling the Attendance of the visitors.

21.) Kimi helped the class to study on their quiz, the condition was if they all have high scores they could leave early.

22.) Kimi mother gave birth to her at her family home the midwife was also their.

23.) His father was crying out of pure happiness he didn't want to give her to her mom yet, her mother put him on the genjutsu she can cradle kimi.

24.) Katsuki hates it how the boys are not scared of her, said boys told him kimi is nice and she's not someone to be feared at.

25.) Tetsutetsu Sometimes find kimi if it's break time.

26.) Class 1B boys thinks she's very attractive adorable and especially kind once they saw her she apologizing for katsuki rude words.

27.) The boys of class 1B sometimes talks about kimi (In ama case they often times fanboyed at her, especially during training camp), they especially noticed how flustered tetsutesu is.

28.) You know those shoujo trope bumping accidentally on someone and they fell, That once happened to Kimi with and upper clansmen she was carrying stacks of papers and they bump into her,

The upperclassmen blushed at how "Moe" she looked added by her soft apologetic demeanor. Needlessly Kimi is now popular with the senpais 😂

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