🌼2 Atonement headcanons 🌼

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Another Atonement Headcanons!

This is Purely a fun imagining for the story none of this are canon until proven True by the Author (^▽^)

1.) Her parents despite comig from such secretive family, Are actually very nice and friendly.

2.) Some pro heroes still thinks how bizarre they are, they look intimidating but are the most kindest and sweetest couple they've met.

3.) It was the kimi's father who named her.

4.) All might is the godfather of Kimi he's was very close to them.

5.) Kimi likes hearing Midoriya rambles even if they are out place at times, She likes how happy he looks whem talking about them.

6.) Everyone in the apartment complex requested kimi to sing for them at least once or more.

7.) Granny and her family treats Kimistuki as the youngest granddaughter/sister, in which still flustered kimi.

8.) One time as kids the teacher helped kimi to calm down because suddenly every bird from the playground suddenly pearched all over her body.

9.) Inko and mitsuki helped kimi go undergarment shopping after seeing how developed her chest came to be.

10.) Likes very soft and comfy couches, chairs and beds because it helps her deal with the ache in her back.

11.) one time as kids he told Kimi her eyes are like grapes, he was trying to make her smile.

12.) Bakugou is still guilty when he left Ama in the sea of reporters.

13. Midoriya even tho shy, likes the soft aura of Kimistuki it keeps him relax.

14.) Her brother really loves and respect kimi no matter what.

15.) The girls are lowkey protective of Kimi they've agreed Kimi is too soft for the boys in their class and the other classes as well.

16.) She accidentally said "Ara ara~" one time after seeing how excited the class were, needlessly to say they've all heard her and the reactions were amusing and hilarious xD

Hope you enjoy the headcanons!!!

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