🐰7 Rabbit Princess🐰

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For SlytherinScum Surprise a mini comic!!!

Gaara: We're Home
Tsukiko: Welcome Back!
Kankuro: What's for dinner?
Tsukiko: It's a surprise 😊
(the kids are just watching the sandstorm outside xD)

1.) My friend cousin owns a rabbit and told us they're quite the "fertile" creatures since they have a lot of baby rabbits, so this got me an wonderjng what if tsukiko and gaara having 3 kids is reference to that hence the comic 😅😆

2.) 2 biological and 1 adopted kid (shinki)

3.) the shinki and the duo's daughter reading about the sand and leaf village history (he respects his siblings)

4.) the pillow they're using is the color scheme of naruto's outfit

 Fan Arts Serendipity (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin