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Suyodhanaa stomped into her room, fuming in anger. Soubalaa, Karnika and Sushasanaa instantly came to know what would have happened.

"Who does he think he is !?" Suyodhanaa said kicking the chair.

"How can he reject me !?" Suyodhanaa threw the furnitures here and there.

Karnika and Sushasanaa ran up to her and held her hands stopping her. Suyodhanaa struggled in their gasped but calmed down in a few moments and tears fell from his eyes.

"Why doesn't he accept me ? I did so much to get him and now he denies !" Suyodhanaa cried.

"Wait a minute ! Did you.... Did you confess to him ?" Soubalaa asked.

"I did and he denied..... Without him I cannot have the throne !" Suyodhanaa sobbed.

"Are you stupid or what !?" Soubalaa exclaimed.

Suyodhanaa looked at her confused as Karnika and Sushasanaa looked at her with disbelief, that instead of consoling Soubalaa is scolding her.

"I had told you to go and comfort him ! Not confess ! Sagar has just lost his wives and did you think he'll marry another within snap of a fingers !? Now you have not only pushed Sagar further but also the throne of Hastinapur !" Soubalaa said.

"But I cannot wait any longer for him !" Suyodhanaa said.

"My dear, the stupidity that you have done today I am sure Sagar is now aware of your intentions, just hope that doesn't grow suspicious about you being involved in Lakshagriha incident." Soubalaa said.

"Mosi, I am sure you will think about some way." Sushasanaa said trying to calm the situation.

"Yes why not ?! You ruin everything and I clean up after you ! Right !?" Soubalaa said.

"Mosi please ! I want Sagar and the throne of Hastinapur !" Suyodhanaa said as tears fell from her eyes.

Soubalaa looked at her and sighed, suddenly a knock was heard on the door. She went and opened the door, where stood a servant with a scroll in hand.

"A message for Maharani of Gandhar." The servant said.

"Okay, you're dismissed." She said taking the scroll.

She again locked the door and unrolled the scroll reading the message, which was an invitation, reading which a smile appeared on her face.

"I found a way." Soubalaa laughed, proud at her sharp brain.

"What way mosi ?" Sushasanaa asked.

"Read !" Soubalaa said throwing the scroll to her.

Sushasanaa catched it and opened it, Karnika and Suyodhanaa also peeked in to read the message.

"Swayamvadhu of Panchal-kumar Krishnav ?" Karnika muttered confused.


Uff ! Soubalaa mosi had lost it for a second there 😂😂😂


Humari Nushkie (Indraputra_Arjun) ko !

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