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Maharaj Kshitij was in his room reading some scrolls related to Kingdom, when a servant entered the room.

"Glory to Maharaj ! Mahamantri Vidur wants to meet you." The servant said.

"Send him in." Kshitij said keeping the scrolls aside. As Vidur came in, the king stood up in respect.

"Pranipat Maharaj." Vidur greeted.

"Pranipat Mahamantri Vidur, what brings you here ?" Kshitij asked.

"I have come to fulfill the very purpose for what I came to Saurastra for." Vidur said.

"What is that purpose Mahamantri ?" Kshitij asked.

"The purpose is to present a proposal to you." Vidur said.

"What proposal ?" Kshitij frowned.

"Maharaj, Hastinapur and Saurashtra are both great kingdoms with great history. Since centuries we have had trade relations, I think it will be fair to convert this relation to a proper alliance." Vidur said.

"I agree. An proper alliance between our kingdoms will be beneficial for both." Kshitij said.

"Glad to know you also think the same. Maharaj according to scriptures the alliance of marriage is considered strongest and foremost. I suggest we should convert trade relations to family relations." Vidur said.

"I'm listening." Kshitij gestured him to speak ahead.

"Maharaj Kshitij I, Mahamantri of Hastinapur, Vidur present the proposal of Panduputris for your son Sagar." Vidur said.

Listening to that Kshitij raised his brows and fell into thinking. Marrying Panduputris will mean becoming the future King of Hastinapur but he wondered whether Sagar would agree for marrying 5 ladies at once.

"Do the Panduputris agree ?" Kshitij asked.

"They have taken a liking towards Rajkumar Sagar since we came here, charming he is indeed. Even Vasudev Shri Krishna insists upon this marriage alliance. He says that it's in everyone's favour if this marriage happens." Vidur said.

Kshitij again fell into thinking, if Shri Krishna agrees to the proposal then this marriage will not only benefit Sagar but the entire Aryavart, it will lead to greater good only.

"Mahamantri Vidur I agree for this proposal. Let there be a marriage alliance between Saurashtra and Hastinapur." Kshitij said.

"Thank you so much Maharaj. Now I shall take your leave." Vidur said and left.

Kshitij sighed and hoped that Sagar would agree to this alliance. He summoned a servant and told him to call Sagar, Maharani Ambika and Aditi.

Reaching his room Vidur also summoned Panduputris.

"Why did you summon us Kakashree ?" Yaudhevi asked.

"I now have to tell you the reason why I brought all of you here at Saurastra." Vidur said.

"We knew it wouldn't just be for a vacation. Tell us Kakashree." Vallabhi said.

"With the permission of Tatshree Bhism and Bhabhishree Kunti, I have fixed your marriage." Vidur said.

Listening to that the hearts of Panduputris came in their mouth. Yaudhevi, Vallabhi, Parthvi and Nakulaa got scared for they were already in love with someone, while Devami nervously looked at Vidur, sensing the evident.

"W-with whom K-kakashree ?" Parthvi asked gathering courage.

"Rajkumar Sagar." Vidur said.

Hearing that name smiles appeared on the faces of Yaudhevi, Vallabhi, Parthvi and Nakulaa while Devami's jaw dropped.


Dhol Nagade Shehnai bajwao ! Shadi hone wala hai !

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