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Soubalaa entered the room of Suyodhanaa and found her sipping wine with Sushasanaa as they played the game of dice.

"You keep drinking wine while those old men intoxicate your entire life. Then keep playing this game for you'll have nothing better to do." Soubala taunted.

"What are you saying Aunt Soubala ?" Suyodhanaa asked.

"My dear, Mahamahim Bhism and Mahamantri Vidur have decided to arrange the marriage of the Panduputris so Yaudhevi becomes queen !" Soubalaa said.

"What !?" Both sisters stood up listening to that.

"Yes my darling it's true." Soubalaa said.

"Then what do we do ?" Sushasanaa asked.

"They have planned that Rajkumar Sagar of Saurashtra should be married to Panduputris and then be made crown-prince of Hastinapur. But if you lure him and make him marry you first then your way to the throne will be clear." Soubalaa said.

"I see your point aunt." Suyodhanaa smirked.

"Jiji, I have heard that the prince of Saurastra is one of the most handsome beings on earth. It is said, one glance of him can make anyone lose senses." Sushasanaa said dreamily.

"It's like killing two sparrows with one arrow." Suyodhanaa said.

Soubalaa sighed and then clapped her hands bringing them out of their fantasy and looked at them, trying her best to hide the annoyed expression.

"Suyodhanaa darling if you want that prince to marry you then better pack your things ! We will leave for Saurashtra early in the morning tomorrow." Soubalaa said.

"Alright. I shall also invite Karnika to join me." Suyodhanaa said, Soubalaa groaned.

"Yeah fine whatever. Just make sure those old men don't come to know if it. For them, I am taking you to Gandhar." Soubalaa said and walked out.

On the other side Vidur had summoned the daughters of Pandu in his room.

"Pranipat Kakashree." They greeted.

"Kalyanamstu." Vidur smiled.

"Why did you called us Kakashree ?" Yaudhevi asked.

"Past few days have been very hectic, you all came from Gurukul, then went on the war against Drupad, debates of accession is taking place. It's a very tiring situation in the palace." Vidur said.

"Indeed it is. But don't worry Kakashree we will be fine." Vallabhi said.

"A person never comes to know that they are exhausting themselves until one day they are completely exhausted, in a state of burn out." Vidur said.

"What do you mean Kakashree ?" Parthvi asked.

"That you all need a break. I am going to Saurashtra for an important reason. And Navratri festival is also held there. I suggest you all to accompany me and enjoy the festival." Vidur said.

"That's a great idea Kakashree. I have always heard the glories of that festival." Nakulaa said.

"Oh it is indeed glorious." Vidur said.

"We'll ask Mata and let you know." Devami said.

"No need for that. Your Pitamah has already talked with her and she has agreed." Vidur said.

"What about Suyodhanaa and Sushasanaa ? Won't they be coming ?" Yaudhevi asked.

"I respect and admire that you want to always keep the family together Yaudhevi. But sometimes we need alone time just with the ones who love us the most and won't tamper out happiness." Vidur said.

"I agree with Kakashree. Jiji it's the best we 5 spend some good time." Vallabhi said.

"Besides, if we take sister Suyodhanaa then it won't be good time for us." Nakulaa said.

"Pack your stuff now. We will be leaving in two days." Vidur said.

"As you say Kakashree." They bowed and left.


Yeh Soubalaa nahi hai, 100 Balaa hai ! 100 problems altogether !

And if someone is confused whether women used to drink back then. Yes they did.

There are some wines in our scriptures that Kshatriyas were allowed to drink. Wines made from honey, fruits, grapes and distilled molasses were consumed by both Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Only Brahmans were prohibited from drinking, even Shudras could drink.

There is a narrative from I think Udyog parva, where Arjun and Krishna are drinking honey wine or mead as we would say today in the company of Draupadi and Satyabhama. Balram Dau has also been described to be drinking wine.

It's was truly not that big of a deal. Today also people drink, in that age also they did.

Btw hume laga ki antagonists ko koi nahi lega, turns out CalmGuy9 wants to play Suyodhanaa. Nivedan hai aap sab se thoda mariyada mei rehna inke saath. 😂😂

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