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Parthvi was in the training grounds practicing archery when a maid approached her with and handed her a letter.

Parthvi took it and seeing the pitambar cover scented with sandlewood, she instantly came to know from whom it was from.

She opened the letter and smiled at the letter sent by Krishna. She excitedly started reading it. He was inviting her to visit a Mahadev temple of Panchal.

'What could be so special about the Mahadev temple of Panchal ?' Parthvi thought.

'But if Madhav has invited me, then I must go. I shall journey to Panchal after Varnavart.' Parthvi thought.

On the other side, Vidur was also about to get message from his spy.

"Tell me did you get some information about the stay of Panduputris in Varnavart ?" Vidur asked.

"Yes Mahamantri, a palace is made for them and is an architectural marvel." The spy said.

"Who was commissioned to make the palace ?" Vidur asked.

"Purochan." The spy said.

"Purochan ? The disciple of Soubalaa ?" Vidur frowned.

"Yes Mahamantri, the people of Varnavart were saying that when he was making the palace he ordered a huge amount of oil, fat, ghee, lacquer and wood shavings." The spy said.

"Oil, fat, ghee, lacquer and wood shavings...... Understood. Don't tell this to anyone. Go now." Vidur said.

"Yes Mahamantri." The spy bowed and left.

"I knew they could never change." Vidur muttered to himself.

Suddenly a maid entered the room and informed that Sagar wishes to meet him. Vidur gave her the permission to send him in.

When Sagar entered Vidur saw there was a frown of worry on his face, and he exactly knew why.

"Pranipat Mahamantri." Sagar greeted.

"Pranipat Yuvraj. What brings you here ?" Vidur asked.

"Mahamantri, the proposal presented by Suyodhanaa doesn't sit right with me. The sudden change in behaviour, the adamant way in which she wants Panduputris to go and that too without me, worries me." Sagar said.

"Your worry is valid and in the right direction, Sagar. This is not a peace offering but a trap." Vidur said, he knew it will be right for Sagar to know.

"What ? A trap ?" Sagar frowned.

"Yes son. The palace built by Purochan is made of oil, fats, ghee, lacquer and wood shavings." Vidur said.

"Such a palace can burn down with a spark..." Sagar said.

"And that's exactly Suyodhanaa's plan. To burn the palace along with Panduputris." Vidur said.

"Then I must stop them from going." Sagar said and was about to leave but Vidur stopped him.

"Sagar, what reason will you give ? We have no proof against Suyodhanaa." Vidur said.

"Then I should go with them to Varnavart." Sagar said.

"No Sagar, try to understand. You are the Yuvraj of Hastinapur, your safety is the foremost duty. I cannot allow you to go." Vidur said.

"Kakashree, the safety of my wives is my foremost duty ! I cannot let them go, knowing what trap they are falling for." Sagar said.

"I understand you concern very well Sagar. But sometimes you need to defeat the enemy in their own game only." Vidur said.

"What do you mean ?" Sagar asked confused.

"Take a seat." Vidur said.


Bolo Vidmaan Vidur ki jai !

So now Sagar is also involved in the masterplan of Vidur to save Panduputris. This is actually one of my favourite parts of Mahabharat, really shows how sharp and clever Vidur was.

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