Chapter 65

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Tharn's POV:

I never thought that today I would see my children. Especially Type. seven years ago, but still nothing has changed with him. he looked even more beautiful.

I could see in his eyes the shock when he saw me. all the resentment I had with him suddenly disappeared. I was worried when suddenly tears dripped from his eyes. and it hurts me so much when I see him cry especially when he goes to his room. I follow him and heard him crying. isn't he glad that I've seen or found them?

when the children came out of their rooms we went downstairs and waited for him to come down. I see the sadness, fear in him. does he think that i'm mad at him?

I was even more excited when Gab took the ring and put it on Type's finger. until now, he still has the engagement ring I gave him. I saw that when I went to the restroom after we ate.

he drove us outside and he still couldn't look at me. so I touched his chin so we could look at each other. I looked at her lips and I kissed her. at first he didn't respond, so I bit his lower lip and put it in his mouth. he responded to my kiss. and suddenly Tharn Jr. woke up as well.

I missed his kisses. I couldn't stop myself and our kiss deepened when he suddenly tapped me. tendency that he have difficulty breathing. I stopped and he bowed again.

so I raised his head again and I kissed him again because I couldn't help it. I'm so addicted on his lips. I take a lot of women home, but I don't kiss them on the lips because nothing can match Type's kisses to me.

when suddenly our children screaming out. Because they saw that their Mama and I kissing. And our youngest tease us so i chuckled when i saw Type blush. I still have an effect on him.

I knew he was sad. because he will be separated from our children. because Grace told me that Type wasn't used to being separated from them, and it was uncomfortable to him. so I was surprised that he agreed to take our children with me.

I said to him that we still need to talk. we have a lot to talk about over the past seven years. especially with Gab. I don't suspect that I'm his father, because based on Kira's stories, Type was pregnant when they left. he allegedly lost consciousness and Mild rushed him to the hospital and they found out that he was three months pregnant.

I also told him not to worry. because I will take care of our children. he just nodded and I went inside the van and all my children waved at him and so did he.

the van drove away, until we could no longer see him. the children were happy and noisy because they were being teased. but I notice the quietness of the Gulf.

he was just looking out the window while the earphones were on his ears so I put my arm around him. he looked at me and smiled. he removed earphones.

"are you okay? aren't you happy that we met?" I ask him. he just shook his head.

"No Dada. I know you notice my quietness. but from now on get used to that. because that's how I am." he says. I just nodded.

"from now on don't be shy if you have things you want to buy okay? Dada will take care of it. if you're worried about your Mama, don't worry either. I'll bring him back after a week, but for now, just be happy is that okay?" I said. he just nodded. he hugged me.

"thank you Dada. For finding us. I hope you don't get mad at Mama. I don't even know his reason why this happened to our family, but I hope you just trust him. because I knew he had a strong reason." he says. I nodded. I was amazed at what he said. he was very matured to think for his age.

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