Chapter 15

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Type's POV:

I'm used to seeing Sir Tharn and Art being sweet. Sometimes, they even flirt inside the office. They don't even bother locking the door. But what happened earlier was different. It was just a loving kiss. Far from what I usually see. But I don't know, I felt hurt. I reminded myself that Sir Tharn is getting married to Art and they'll have a baby. I felt sad for my little bean. Aside from not being able to know his daddy, Art can't find out either. I just let myself feel whatever emotion I was going through. I went to the restroom and cried to ease the pain.

it's just so painful why this is still happening. I should only be hurting for myself because Luke cheated on me. And now, here I am in another pain for my child who is still in my womb. I was just thinking about what would happen in the future when he grew up without a father. how can I tell him that it was just an accident that we formed him. I told myself before that when I had a family I would never let go of what I had experienced. but it is now. just repeating. I grew up not knowing my real parents. and this now to my son. he will grow up and cannot know who his father is. I looked at myself in the mirror. do i deserve it all? when will this misfortune end in my life? I wiped away my tears and washed my face. I also fixed myself. they might notice that I cried. especially sir Tharn. he knew that he has a freaking jealous dwarf fiance. He was jealous when was even closer to me. it is always mistaken that Art is the secretary and not me. I shook and laughed. I went out and I peeked at the glass wall for a moment to see if they were still inside. it's good and nothing. so I quietly returned to my seat.


Tharn's POV

For the past 3 months, I've noticed how different Type has become. He used to be playful and laugh all the time, but now it's rare to see him like that. He's gained a little weight and treats me differently. However, he's still nice to others. These days, he eats greedily, and my parents come to my office every day to bring him food. I don't know why he enjoys my dad's cooking so much, even though we all know my dad isn't a great cook. Maybe even dogs wouldn't eat it because of its strange taste. Here we are in my office during our lunch break, ordering food online. My mom and I watch Type happily devour his all-time favorite dish, pancit with avocado. But this time, he's not sprinkling it with anything but ketchup and shrimp paste. Jeez! I can't handle what he's eating. My mom and I just exchange glances while my dad enjoys watching Type.

Type is always  picked up here in my office by Win and Saint. just now it happened. he also behaves differently. he always avoids me. we always talk about it at work but otherwise he won't talk to me or pay attention to me. he just always talks to his co -workers. or to mom and dad I wondered why they were always here. I asked them but they said they just wanted to see how Type and I work. they seem to be serious about what they are saying that I might make Type suffer with the jobs I give him. it seems that Type is even more of a child than me. they also want to put type in the Mansion which is okay with me. it's as if they have someone there with them because I only came home once. I always open topic with him, but yes and no the only answer he always gave. I don't know what's going on with him

I also noticed that he was always drowsy and nauseous. when he is in front of me, he always looks away. he doesn't stay in my office for long. I ask him if he's okay or if he has a problem with me. he always says no. they are also always with Champ.  in marketing department. lately, they have always been together. so they are always teasing. because the whole department knew that Champ was courting Type before. but he denied it. so here they are now together. I don't know how I feel. it's like I just want to break Champ's neck. I just look at them from here on my glass wall. they enjoy chatting with their co -workers.

Art and I have been okay since the night we fought in the mansion. he apologized to me and so did I. we are back to normal. that was also our last fight in three months. everything went well between the two of us. the Art that I loved and met is back again. I'm also going home to our condo. we were happy for three months. especially when we get married and have children. but I don't know why I don't feel anything. no excitement. when I hold Art's tummy, I don't feel anything. nothing. plain lang. I don't understand why. even when we heard the Baby's heartbeat when I accompanied Art to his regular check up. nothing. I do not understand.

Oh, UD yarn?! Hahaha, just kidding... this should have been done earlier this afternoon, but I got distracted because of Mareng Taylor Swift's song, "All Too Well," which is 10 minutes long. Also, Lods Jerah's update, Jesskeeee, I feel sorry for Reese. And as for Aidan... Hmmmm, I don't know. I hope they patch things up. It seems like even the author is getting into it with the readers, hahaha 😂🥺 I hope Aidan remembers soon.

 It seems like even the author is getting into it with the readers, hahaha 😂🥺 I hope Aidan remembers soon

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