Chapter 14

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Mew woke up early because he had an early Meeting with the investors. he went down immediately and saw his parents at the dinner table. he was looking for Type. because no matter how early he wakes up, Type is always ahead of him. so much so that he was shocked that it was not in his place.

"Good morning mom, dad. Where's Type?" he asked his parents.

"Good morning too son. He has not yet come down. Your so early huh?" her mother asked.

"I have a meeting, mom." Tharn's mom just nodded as he responded.


from the sweetness of Type's sleep he suddenly a woke. he woke up suddenly feeling that he was going to vomit so he immediately ran to the bathroom. she was also dizzy, she didn't know that it was so hard to get pregnant. he vomited when he was surprised when someone caressed his back. and tied up his long hair. he turned to see that it was Tharn. he was even more nauseous when he smelled Tharn's scent. he pushed Tharn out of the bathroom.

Tharn was surprised by Type's actions.

"Are you okay Type? Hey! open this door." Tharn knocked from outside the door. Type was holding the sink because of the dizziness he was feeling.

"Shutacca Sir. What kind of perfume is that? It stinks. Change that." Type shouted from inside the bathroom. Tharn was even more confused by what was happening. His last thought is that the gesture of He Sees in Art. So his eyes widened when he realized that Type was pregnant.

"Type. Open this door. Hey!" He knocked again.

"I won't come out of here until you change your clothes. You smell very bad, Sir. You're handsome. You're handsome, but you're too lazy to take a bath. Take a bath first." Type shouted. As he vomited and Tharn heard it From outside.

Tharn's parents ran to Type's room when they heard Type's scream.

"Hey honey, what's happening?" Tharn's Mom asked.

"I don't know too mom, I came here to check on him if he was already dressed. And I caught him vomiting. When he see me, he let me out of the bathroom. he said I should take a bath because of my smell. he even said the smell of my perfume he gave me. that I use now and then he said it stinks. I think he has morning sickness." Tharn's confused answer. the kirigun couple looked at each other.

"that's why. go ahead and change that and maybe Type will die from the smell of you. Don't use that perfume of yours again." his dad said laughing. Tharn followed. Mrs. Kirigun knocked on the door of the bathroom where Type was.

"Type, son. Are you okay there?" It asked gently. they still heard Type's nausea.

"Is Sir Tharn, Mom still there??"

"No, son. Can you open this door?" Type opened the door. They see Type's face that is pale and still drowsy.

"are you alright son?" Tharn's father asked Type nodded in response.

"have you checked up with the doctor? is Tharn torturing you too much and making you sick? look. You look pale. your eyebags have grown too. I will accompany you to our family doctor." said Tharn's mama. Type is nervous because of this.

"N-not anymore mommy. It's a bit an-ah- ma-maybe I just ate something that my litt-- i mean my stomach didn't like. Oh- yes. That's right. Hehehe" replied Type slyly. Mr. Kirigun smiled because of this.

"Okay, you said it. But just in case. Don't hesitate to tell us okay? Then get ready and let's eat together." Tharn's dad said and went out of Type's room. Type's nervousness disappeared because of this.

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