Chapter 47 FINALE PT 3

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"Sorry, I probably should have told you it was her." Aimi chuckles. "I'm glad you two have already met, Now it shouldn't be awkward." Mrs. Uraraka says standing up. "Yeah, We've hung out before." Aimi says smiling.

Ochako stays silent and holds my hand. I look down and notice she is still glaring at her sister. Something must have happened between them.


We all finally make it back to the apartment and I slowly open the door. I push my shoes off and Ochako follows. My mom excitedly rushes over and waves.

"Welcome to my home, Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka." Mom says shaking both of their hands.

"I take it your Mrs. Midoryia?" Mr. Uraraka asks. "Yes, That's me." Mom says smiling happily. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Mrs. Uraraka says cheerfully.

"Hi, Im Aimi. Im Ochako's sister." Aimi says shaking mom's hand as well. "Oh, It's so nice to meet you." Mom says hugging Aimi. Aimi hugs back, Just as excited.

We all walk into the kitchen and I see that mom had finished cooking and had a full meal on the table. She even pulled more chairs for everyone to sit.

We all sit down and begin picking from the food choices. "Mrs. Midoryia, This looks incredible." Aimi comments. "Thank you, Izuku always said I'm the best cook." Mom chuckles.

"You are. Look how good this looks." I laugh. We all finally fill our plates. "I just want to thank Mrs. Midoryia for letting us eat here for Christmas." Mr. Uraraka says holding up his cup.

"Oh, You're too kind. I'm just glad you came." Mom says smiling and waving it off.

"Oh, Mrs. Midoryia, This was so kind of you." Mrs. Uraraka says. "It wasn't really my idea, It was Izuku's." She says waving her chop sticks at me. I blush feeling embarrassed.

"Midoryia, You're too sweet." Aimi says smiling brightly. "Yes, I know you'll treat Ochako right." Mrs. Uraraka agrees.

"Oh, Mrs. Uraraka, Can you imagine a few years from now there will be little Childers running around!" Mom giggles.

"M-mom!" I mutter embarrassed. "Yes, Oh my, I can't wait to see a few Grandkids growing up." Mrs. Uraraka Agrees. "M-Mother." Ochako says, I could see her face was red.

"What? You'll have kids right?" Mom asks turning to us. "Uh, Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking like that?" I ask, Feeling the warmth on my face spread to my ears.

"No, I had you not long after I was married to your father." She comments. "Well, I don't know. We haven't really talked about stuff like that. We are still young." I reassure her.

"Dear, Do you remember when Ochako put my dress on Aimi and pretended she was in a pageant?" Mrs. Uraraka asks her husband.

"I won't forget how pretty she looked with her hair all fancy." Her dad laughs patting Aimi's Head.

"Haha, Very cute." Aimi chuckles and lifts her dad's hand off her head. "Oh, Izuku loved all much when he was little so he begged me to get him all night figures." Mom states laughing. "Mom." I mumble.

Ochako laughs and takes my hand under the table. I look over to her and smile when she threads her fingers into mine.

"That's sweet, Midoryia. I also have a question for you though." Mrs. Uraraka says. "Yes?" I ask. "Have you and my daughter had s-." She is quickly stopped by Ochako, "Alright! Thank you, Mom." She laughs really loud.

"What? Oh come on, Ochako. You're in a serious relationship and you've never done it?" She asks. My face turns red when I realize what she is asking.

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHAWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu