Chapter 39

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Sasha Banks POV
This absolutely sucks, just before our trip to Saudi Arabia Bayley has gotten injured in her knee we brought her crutches and wheel chair with us for this trip. "Dad are you ok?" Sabrina asked, my Babygirl has such a big heart and I'm so proud of her. "Daddy is okay kids cause I know that I'm gonna get injured in this business, her knee just needs rest time to heal." I finished saying, now we have to hit the road to Saudi Arabia. Packing all the stuff in the car didn't take that long like I had expected, "Alright guys let's hit the road, kids get Ryu and Flex and get in the car while I help daddy get her stuff and get in the car." Sabrina picks up the dogs and brings them in the car with the boys racing in the car behind her. My kids are amazing! The beginning of the road trip has just begun, Bayley and Sabrina are obviously listening to Paramore and the boys are playing on the kid tablets that my mom had bought them a few weeks ago I thought they looked really cute.

Bayley's POV
Me and Sabrina are singing along to the Paramore songs, this band is what caused me and my Babygirl to bond more. This road trip takes us across the states, we might need to rent a hotel, as I see the sky get darker Sasha starts falling asleep I lean over and kiss her on the top of the head a smile appears on her face which makes me smile. As I pull up to the hotel I noticed everyone except for me and Sabrina were asleep. "Hey Babygirl why don't you get your stuff and the dogs while I wake dad up and help him out of the car." I say and she nods waking the dogs up and get their leashes and wakes up her brothers. "Babe, wake up we arrived at the hotel." I say kissing her cheek. She started stirring while her eyes blinked open. Tomorrow night is our show which I am really nervous about this triple threat against Becky and Bianca. "Mom is it okay if I hang out with Alex today while we explore the town?" Sabrina asks, my Babygirl is in love! I still can't believe it, "I'll have to ask Dean and Seth, let's go for a little walk around, what do you say munchkin?"

We walked around the national park and looked around the ruins of AI Ula it's amazing. "Mom I'm gonna go to the bath room." Sabrina said while she went to the bathroom that was near the park. After 15 minutes I got really worried and scared for my babygirl, I ran in and saw that all the stalls were empty, my breathing got heavier and faster "Sabrina! Babygirl! Where are you?!" I yelled trying to see if she would come to me. "Sasha what's wrong?" I look up to see my wife and I just keep looking around, "Hey, calm down tell me what's wrong?" She asked look scared while hugging me, "I-I went to see i-if Sabrina was gonna come out of the bathroom and I saw all the stalls were empty and her phone was on the ground. Where's my Babygirl?" I asked with tears falling down my face. Dean and Seth come over and help us look for Sabrina Alex had tears in his eyes hearing about his girlfriend missing. "Alex, I know you care for my daughter and I love that, I promise that we will find her." He nods and gives me a big hug.  How am I even gonna be able to do the show tonight? I tweeted online 'hey guys, I know tonight is the pay-per-view but I need your guys help, earlier me and my family were on a walk around town and Sabrina went to the bathroom I went to check on her but she's missing now, please if you can help me my daughter means the absolute world to me. Thank you guys for your help.'

Why did this have to happen to me? Please god help me get my Babygirl back home where she belongs

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Where stories live. Discover now