Chapter 21

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Sasha's POV
As we are heading home, I thought about when our kids will be out of the house and married, but that's way too into the future. As we walk inside the house, I see the babysitter we hired is playing dolls with Sabrina, classic Becky. I shake my head and smile, "Boo!" I say as Becky jumps so high, I guess i scared her. "Lass you can't do that, me and Sabrina were in the middle of adopting a dog." She says as I laugh at Becky for getting invested in playing dolls with a little girl. "Aunt Becky, c'mon we need to play dolls." Sabrina says as she gives Becky a lip pout, "Alright let's play dolls." She says as they go back to it. I see Bayley in our babies room and she was feeding them. "Babe, I can take care of them, you need to start working on dinner." Bayley says as I kiss her on the lips, and I head out to start making the spaghetti for me, Bayley, Sabrina, and Becky. As I finished the spaghetti, Becky comes in the kitchen and asks me a question, "Lass, I need your help." She says as she looks at me with a serious face. "Anything at all Becky." I say as I put down my spaghetti, "How long did it take to grow the pregnancy belly?" She asks as I look scared because she has been pregnant for awhile, "It's between 12 and 16 weeks." I say and she looks scared, "Its been 20 weeks and I have yet to grow my belly, maybe I should go see the doctor." She says as I get up and say, "Sabrina babygirl we need to take uncle Becky to the doctor, c'mon baby." I say as she runs to me and the dogs come running to the door and I block them from escaping through the door.

Later as we made it to the hospital, I help bring Becky in and the doctor who works on Becky's pregnancy sees her and comes over to her. "Becky what happened?" The doctor asks, "Doctor Zayn my belly is not growing and I'm worried about my baby." She says as they wheel her into surgery. "Alright Becks I'm gonna bring you into surgery so we can have a look at the baby." The doctor says as me and Sabrina wait outside, we hear Becky scream for her wife and I called Charlotte and Bayley.

Later, Charlotte runs in alongside Bayley, "Where is my wife? Let me see my wife." Charlotte yelled at the doctors as was blocking her, "Ma'am your wife has lost a lot of blood and we're not sure if she will be able to make it." The doctor says as he rushes back into the room and Charlotte starts crying, me, Bayley, and Sabrina all comfort her to let her know we are here for her. "Guys why don't you all go say goodbye before we put her away." Charlotte cries even more and then all of us start to cry because now we realized we had lost Becky.

Charlottes POV
I went inside the room that Becky was in and what I saw was my girl dead and no longer here with me, I grab Becky's hand and rub it, "I had already finished my wedding vows because once the baby was born I was gonna ask you to marry me but now that I can't I guess I better read you my vows now, 'Becks, I have never met a more beautiful kindhearted soul, when I met you I knew my whole world would change, I remember the first time I told my dad about you he told me that I better ask you out or he would punish me for life. *laughs a little bit* You are the most adorable person ever and I promise that if you die I'll be dying right alongside you, I love you Rebecca Lynch always and forever." As I finish I immediately break down into tears and I grabbed her hand and kissed it as I feel asleep in her bed right next to her.

Becky's POV
I see bright lights around me and I look up to see my dad, but how??? I don't know, does this mean I'm dead. "Dad" I called out to him but then he replies, "She needs you Babygirl. She loves you, just as much as I do." He says but then it fades away and I then awake and see the love of my life there waiting there for me. "Oh baby your finally awake, thank god."

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ