Chapter 25

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Becky's POV
Today's the biggest day of my life, Bayley is helping me with the tie on my red tuxedo. I kept shaking so it was hard for her to tie it, "Will you stop moving." Bayley says as I just shaking, "I'm sorry lass but I'm really nervous for today, what if I'm not good enough to be someone's wife, and she divorces me for someone better." Bayley rolls her eyes at me and sits me down and sits next to me, "Rebecca Lynch that woman loves you and you love her even more, remember when we used to date back in 2013-2016 I could even tell that you were in love with her, it's as clear as day. I remember one night you and me were having sex after Survivor Series 2016, and I heard you call Charlotte's name but that's okay because I knew all along that we just weren't meant to be, I'm not mad at all but I will be if you don't marry that woman. Now, I have to go find my wife and our kids." Bayley says giving me a stern look and I just nod, "I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna marry the love of my life, are my parents here?" As soon as I ask that they pop in and give me a hug, "We are so excited for you, my baby girl is finally getting married." My dad says and I smile at him, he always made sure to let me know that not matter the choices I made in life he will forever be proud of me.

Charlotte's POV

This is it! I'm ready to get married, "Charlotte hunny, you almost ready?" My dad asks and I let him see me in my wedding dress, he just smiles and kisses my cheek, "I wish you luck with marrying that weirdo Becks

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This is it! I'm ready to get married, "Charlotte hunny, you almost ready?" My dad asks and I let him see me in my wedding dress, he just smiles and kisses my cheek, "I wish you luck with marrying that weirdo Becks." He says jokingly and I start laughing, "Dad be nice." As soon as I finish my dad opens his arm for me to grab and then we walk down the stairs almost to wait for the horse carriage to take us to the wedding venue. When we arrive, I see the entire venue covered with flowers, Becky does listen she got Roses and she knows they are my favorite, I look around and the entire place is red and gold, but then the bride music starts playing as everyone stands up, me and my dad start walking down and my eyes instantly connected with Rebecca's then she starts crying and once we make it up there the priest stood alongside my future wife, once we got up there my dad gave Becky a stern look and then he handed me over to her. "Today we are witnessing the joining of these lovely ladies, Rebecca Quinn and Charlotte Flair, I understand you two have written your own vows so ladies take it away." He says and Bayley hands Becky her paper with the vows and Sasha hands me my paper, "Today, today may just be a normal day for everyone else in the world, but not for me, I'm marrying the most amazing woman in the entire world, this woman has taught me so much like how to treat myself, how to have work ethic, and how to love someone, but she also taught me how to love myself, she is the most craziest funny human ever but she's also the love of my life, I think we all know who, The man Becky Lynch. I love you more than anything in the world, everyday I hope and pray to god that you will never leaves my side because you are the greatest thing to ever come into my life, I would die for you and now so everyone else knows your now my man." Once I finished I instantly broke into tears and I covered my face but Rebecca took my hands down, "Don't cover your face Queen, I wouldn't get to see your beautiful face." She says and I started blushing.

Becky's POV
Now it's time to say my vows, "Ashley, Charlotte no matter what has happened between us we have always managed to get threw it. The one reason why you mean the most to me is your heart especially when it comes to fans, I see little girls that look up to you and that makes me realize I'm in love with hero and that hero saves my life everyday she tells me she loves me. Ashley if it wasn't for you I would be a nobody, and Bayley knows this personally because of our past she knows that when I wanna claim someone I make sure they know and to do it soon, and to did that 2 years ago to you, I love you Ashley Elizabeth Flair and if my queen didn't know that already I hope she knows now, and to everybody else sorry she's taken." I finished my vows and know almost everyone was in tears. "Alright, may I have the rings please." The priest says and then mine and Charlotte's pugs come down with rings taped on them and the pillows are rapped on the pugs. We then put the rings on each other and then, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." As soon as he finishes speaking me and Charlotte grab each other and we kiss the whole place goes bananas. "Uncle Becky's and Aunt char char are married!!" Sabrina says excited and even the baby boys are laughing, we're all happy. "Alright guys we have to do cake and then wedding gifts." I say as I grab Charlotte's hand and we walk into the place and we see the presents piled up but everyone got seated and then we went to the cake Charlotte got her finger covered with cake and put it on my face and then I got her back with a hand full of cake and everyone was laughing because her whole face was now covered in cake and she looks at me and says, "Your luck I love you, so you get some kisses." She says and I jokingly shake my head no but she then does it all over my face and now everyone was having an incredible time. Later, onto presents, i have a special present for Ashley at the end.

Charlotte's POV
I see that we got a lot of different things for the house and everyone was about to leave but then Rebecca grabs a
microphone, "Thank you everyone so much for coming, now I know that this supposed to end right now and you all wanna go home, but I have one more present for my wife." She says and I look confused but she grabs a small box, I open it and was instantly shocked and I got up quickly and carefully hugged her.

" She says and I look confused but she grabs a small box, I open it and was instantly shocked and I got up quickly and carefully hugged her

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"My wife is having a baby!" Charlotte says in the mic and the whole place goes insane with cheers

We're gonna create a family.

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Where stories live. Discover now