Chapter 29

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Becky's POV
I am terrified of becoming a mom or dad whatever the rug rat wants to call me, I've never had my own child before I mean yeah I take care of Sabrina sometimes but with my own child what I do matters with him. "Babe, what's wrong?" I heard the one voice that made everything better my Charlotte, "Baby come on you can tell me, what's wrong?" I look at her scared and she instantly hugs me and I hug her back, "I'm terrified of becoming a parent, I mean I'm good with Sabrina but this is our kid and what I do will affect him." I said as Charlotte grabbed my hands and kissed them, but when she lifted her head I saw... Bayley, I was terrified, why was I seeing Bayley? "Babe are you okay?" What's happening? Why do I see Bayley's face and not Charlotte's, I love Charlotte, "Becks your really scaring me." Charlotte said but then I was snapped out of it. "I'm okay babe I just thought of something." She hugged me as I headed to bed.

Charlotte's POV
I'm really concerned about Becky, I don't know what's going on, maybe I should call Bayley to see what's going on. "Hey Mrs. Lynch, what's up?" Bayley says as I still was scared and concerned about Becky, "Becky had been acting strange." I say, Bayley responded, "that's pretty normal for her." Bayley says laughing, "I'm serious Bayley, somethings really up with her and it scares me." I didn't hear anything from Bayley for a while until she responded, "I'll go talk to her." She replied but I was confused, "Wait Bayley, how do you know where she went?" I ask as Bayley sighed but answered, "The same thing happened when me and Becky where dating." Bayley said as she hung up, Bayley I hope your plan works I want my Rebecca back.

Becky's POV
I ran off from the house out to this waterfall, nature always helped me through everything, I heard branches  breaking and crackling, "Stay away please, I just came here to think and reflect." I said hoping that they wouldn't harm me. It was revealed to be Bayley, "Rebecca, what's up with you?" Bayley asked as I couldn't help but still fall in love with her voice, "Your wife has been worried sick." She says yelling at me, "Is she better then I was?" I ask with tears in my eyes, "What?" She said confused, "Is Sasha any better then I was back then?" I asked and I saw by the look on her face she was scared, "Rebecca, c'mon you have a pregnant wife at home, just please forget what I ever meant to you." She says as I get all angry, "I just can't, okay, I'm still in love with you and every day I look back at the picture we took when we first announced our relationship."

"I still love you Pam

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"I still love you Pam. Just please give me a kiss one last time." I said as I wrapped her up in my arms, slowly leaning in and it just happened, our lips just connected, her lips tasted like honey. God! She was good, it was a slow and yet sweet kiss, once we broke away she smiled at me and held my hand. "Rebecca that was a one time thing now go home and make love to your wife, tell her you love her and forget me." She said as I nodded

As we arrived at the house, I see Charlotte pacing around on the front porch, she runs up to the car and is instantly in tears, "Oh my god! Baby don't you ever do that again, you had me a pregnant woman worried sick." She said as I kissed her and Pam smiled at me while nodding.

Maybe she was right, maybe Ashley is who I need to be with.

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Where stories live. Discover now