Chapter 32

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Bayley's POV
"Mommy! Mommy" Sabrina says running down the stairs hugging Sasha, "I get to go see you guys westle." Sabrina says excited, while I'm pretending to be asleep. "Hey baby girl what do you say we tackle daddy, to wake him up because me and daddy have to perform tonight." Sasha says as Sabrina jumps up and down excited, "Daddy wake up, you and mommy have to perform tonight!" She says excited, "Alright baby girl, why don't you go get ready, your gonna be in the front after all." I said as she brought over two shirts, "Mommy, Daddy which shirt should I wear today?" Sabrina asked holding up 4 shirts, her Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins shirt, a custom shirt of Sasha and me together, Becky's shirt, and Aunty Charlotte's shirt. "Well baby, it depends, I think you should wear uncle dean and uncle Seth's shirt." I responded as she hugged me. "C'mon guys we gotta get heading to the arena." The drive took about 3 hours but with the dogs and Sabrina it was really fun. As we arrived at the arena, we put ryu and flex into the dog carriers, "Mommy I'm so excited." Sabrina was jumping up and down, as we headed towards the arena Sabrina went to hang out with her grandma and grandpa, me and Sasha headed backstage to the makeup and to grab our gear.

Becky's POV
"C'mon babe, I have to go to the live event." I said trying to get up from the coach inside our apartment. "Baby, I don't want you to go, why can't I go with u." She asked with her bottom lip trembling, I can't resist Ashley, especially the woman who just gave me a little boy, my little Ethan. "Alright but remember stay in our locker room, away from the ring and remember turn on the sound machine for my little boy."

Sasha's POV
As me, Bayley, and Sabrina walk backstage, we see Becky and Charlotte's locker room. We knocked on the door and Sabrina immediately runs inside hugging Becky and Charlotte. "Sabrina, wanna meet your new cousin?" Charlotte asked as she picked up Sabrina and showed her little baby, "Meet your little cousin Ethan." Becky said as she handed Ethan over to Sabrina, my little boys were smiling and giggling. This is my family.

When the live show was letting the fans in my mom took Sabrina to go sit in the front row, Dean and Seth's match was first as they were walking out Sabrina cheered as they both went to hug her and kiss their son on the head. As Cesaro and Sheamus came out Sabrina started booing them but they started making fun of her which caused her to cry, and you could tell that messed with Seth and Dean, as soon as the match started Dean tackled sheamus down to the mat and screamed "never mess with my son or my niece ever again!!" Seth was getting ready to hit the burn it down. And as soon as he landed it, the ref counted 1,2,3. They both ran over to hug the kids and maybe have the crowd a little peak at Ambrollins. 

Now it was time for our match where we were facing the team of The IIconics for our wwe women's tag team championships.

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Bayley & Sasha Banks vs. The IIconics

Banks and Billie Kay start the match, and Kay earns a quick near fall with a big boot. Bayley sends Peyton Royce head-first into the broadcast table. The champions double-team Kay, but she gains the upper hand on Bayley. The IIconics double-team Bayley, but she rallies and mocks the IIconics' pose. Royce gets a two count with a fisherman suplex. Banks tags in, and the champions double-team Royce. Banks goes for the Three Amigos but Royce counters. She drives Banks into Bayley, but Banks makes Royce tap out to the Banks Statement.

Winner and still WWE Women's Tag Team Champions: Bayley & Sasha Banks

After this match me and Bayley raced over to hug our little girl and her baby brothers.

Life is just incredible

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Where stories live. Discover now