Chapter 26

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Sasha's POV
I'm up early in the morning because I have to set up the place for my babygirl's birthday party, I can't believe it she's 10 years old, she's now in 3rd grade, I made sure that all the superstars and their kids where able to come, I was cooking her favorite for breakfast toast, eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and blueberries. Then there was running down the stairs and it's my babygirl with the dogs. "Mommy I'm 10 years old." My baby girl says and I replied, "Yeah babygirl why don't you go get ready for your party before everyone gets here?" I say and she runs to her room excited, then Bayley walks out and she's carrying Nicky and Alex, "Are my baby boys ready for big sissy's birthday?" I ask them and they smile and make some baby noises, and I picked them up and carried them outside and saw that Bayley has finished setting up the place for the birthday party, my baby girl is gonna love this. "Baby I'm gonna go pick up the cake, can you watch the kids and make sure our friends, their kids, and our family arrives?" I ask and she comes up to kiss me and says, "Okay baby, all I heard Carmella is gonna bring pancake and Becky is gonna bring the pugs her and Charlotte adopted." I say and she smiles and kisses me.

Bayley's POV
Later, everyone is here except for Dean, Seth, Alex, and Sasha with the cake. But then there was a knock at the door, it's Dean and Seth with Alex. "Hi guys, c'mon in it's time to party." I say but Dean grabs my hand and pulls me aside, "Hey Bayley, so Alex has a crush on your little girl Sabrina." Dean says and I smile but replied, "Dean I don't know about my little girl dating yet, she's only 10." I say and then Seth comes up, "Bayley we understand that you won't want her to grow up yet, and Alex knows that she is still young well because their the same age, we just wanted to inform you." Seth says as he hugs me.

Suddenly the door opens and Sasha walks in with the cake, and she is instantly greeted by the guests.

Sabrina's POV
I'm hanging out in my room but then my best friend in the whole world came in Alex Ambrose, I'll admit I have a crush on him, he's just so cute. "Hey, how's my best friend in the whole world?" Alex asks and I smiled, "I'm good Alex. Thanks for coming." I say and he hugs me. But then John Bàlor walked in, his dad says he looks exactly like him when he was a kid. "Hey Sabrina and Alex." John says and smiles at me, I blushed. "Hey Sabrina wanna play Pokémon?" Alex asks me, but before I could answer John talks, "You play Pokémon? That's for losers." I don't wanna be a loser in front of John, "Sorry Alex, Pokémon is for losers." I replied even though I really love Pokémon, "But you love Pokémon!" Alex says, "You do?! Pokémon is for losers." John says, I look shocked, "Alex stop lying." I say out loud, "Yeah, get out of here loser." He says and I'm torn between two options, do I stay and play Pokémon with my best friend or have my one shot at my crush who thinks Pokémon is for losers and possibly lose my best friend? I don't know what to do. "I'm sorry Alex, but Pokémon is for losers." I say and I see him start to cry and John wrapped his arm around me, "Whatever, I thought we were best friends but I guess we aren't anymore." 

Narrative POV
As soon as Alex replied that he ran down the stairs in tears, and he ran up to his dad's, "Alex buddy, what's wrong?" Dean kneeled down and asks, Alex looks back but he couldn't answer so he just cried on his Seth's shoulder, "Daddies, I wanna go home." Alex says as Dean and Seth look at Bayley and she's confused but nods, "Alright buddy, let's go home." Seth says and Sabrina tries to talk to Alex but he was already out the door. Dean looks back at Finn and shouts, "Thanks a lot for replacing my child and he lose his best friend because of your stupid kid!" Finn looked really upset and they started fighting as Sabrina was shouting, "Stop! Stop! It's my birthday!!" Sasha takes Sabrina into a different room and Bayley was trying to break up the fight.

Later, everyone left and the place was a mess, Bayley was helping Sabrina blow out the candles on her birthday cake, she opens the present that is from Alex and it's all of the Pokémon plushies. Sabrina ends up in tears, "What's wrong Babygirl?" Sasha asked as she was hugging Sabrina, "I want my best friend back." Sabrina says as she continues to cry.

Love of my life:Sasha Banks😍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora