52. I'm here love [Last Chapter]

Começar do início

Until one day I had no choice but to face him.

"Hey aunty, I'm so sorry for your loss. Is Nandini home?"I heard Manik ask after mom opened the front door.

I was sitting at the end o the stairs listening to what they were saying.

Mom looked behind her and made eye contact with me. I shook my head indicating that I don't wanna talk to him any time soon.

The college started 4 days ago again but I've decided to take another week off to deal with everything. Mom agreed with me and took also another week off from work.

We tried to tell Rohan what happened the first few days but he didn't realize what actually was going on until he saw Abhimanyu's body

MOM: "I'm sorry Manik but she isn't home" she replied

MANIK: "I know she's home and she needs someone to talk about what happened or it will kill her" he responded

Mom took a 5-second break until she opened the door widely to let Manik in.

I ran as quickly as possible to my room because I wasn't wearing my headscarf. What was she doing, I don't wanna see him or any of my so-called friends.

MOM: "She's in her room" I heard my mom say as I arrived in my room

I quickly put my hijab on and heard a knock on my door.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to someone, but I couldn't ignore him forever

"Come in"I shouted

I hadn't seen him in more than 2 weeks and all I wanted to do was hug him and never let go, but I needed to stay strong

Even though he started with his chemotherapy 2 weeks ago, he didn't look all too bad. He looked tired but he still had his hair, a good thing I guess

MANIK: "Hey," he said in a quiet voice

I smiled without saying anything back

I was sitting on my bed and Manik grabbed the chair from my desk and rolled t over to where I was sitting

MANIK: "You okay?" he said stroking my arm

First of all, don't touch me, and second, what kind of dumb question is that

Of course, I'm not fine, just leave, will you. That's what I wanted to say but I didn't. It was like my mind was talking but my moth refused to move

MANIK: "Stupid questions sorry and sorry for euhm..my euhm..hand" he hesitated

It was cute in some way like he was nervous, It also was like he was responding to everything my mind was saying

"How is your chemo going?" I said when I finally found my voice

He knew I didn't want to talk about my brother, so he answered the question

MANIK: "Good, better than expected, I've missed you at the hospital though," he said

"Good" I responded

What do I say now

Manik then placed the chair and sat down beside me. He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my head so I was facing him.

I looked into his ice and started crying like a baby

"Manik I-I-I can't.."I sobbed as he hugged me tightly

MANIK: "I'm here love, I'm here

*After 1 hour*

We ate dinner and watched some tv. And by 'we' I mean mom, Rohan, Manik, and I

MOM: "C'mon honey, it's getting late," she said grabbing Rohan's hand

They went upstairs and I was alone with Manik again

Even though it was getting late, Manik refused to go home until he knew for sure I was okay. That cry session did me good, it was what I needed all along

MANIK: "You okay?" he asked once again

He looked at me with his bright blue eyes until I broke eye contact.

I know that you all think that we weres sitting close next to each other holding hands like any other couple, but no I refused to be in any relationship, a normal relationship anyway

Manik is mine and I'm Manik's, but we were trying to minimize the physical contact. Of course, it didn't always go as planned, but I made it clear that I didn't want something like that kiss to happen again

"Yeah, you being here is a big help" I responded after a short break

A smile appeared on his face as I made eye contact again


Okay, The journey has come to an end. Of course, the epilogue and bonus chapters are included.

If you have any questions related to the book, please post them here.

Thank you so much for sticking with this story from the beginning, as well as those who joined in the middle.

Thank you very much for all of your support.

𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora