29. Grounded

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MANIK: "Do you want to go on a real date with me?" he asked looking at me

His cheek turn red while he was waiting for a response

"Manik, I like you...I really do but I can't"

He parked the car at the side of the road and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused

MANIK: "I'm not taking you home until you're going on a date with me"

"Manik doesn't be annoying, c'mon take me home!"

MANIK: "Nopppp," he said popping the 'p' and turning of engine off

"MANIK!" I shouted

MANIK: "Get comfortable, cause we'll be here for a long time" he smirked

This guy seriously

"Manik you're being childish, drive me home!" I huffed, annoyed

He can't keep me here. If he isn't going to drive me home, I'll walk home

MANIK: "No," he said closing his eyes

He has his seat lowered down and closed his eyes with a smile. He was enjoying this

"Fine, then I'll walk," I said grabbing my bag getting ready to get out of the car

*click click*

"Did you just seriously lock the doors?" Omg, he's like a 2-year-old.

"Manik don't be childish, open the freaking doors!" I yelled

MANIK: "Noppp," he said popping the 'p'

"Open the door" I was getting angry, he can't force me

MANIK: "Fine," he said opening his eyes

MANIK: "But aren't you afraid that someone is going to kidnap or kill you," he said waiting for an answer

"No, I'm not. So open the doors" I answered

MANIK: "Fine"

*click click*

"Bye!!!" I said getting out

A few situations crossed my mind as soon as I got out of the car. Young girls getting kidnapped and raped at night

"Okay I can't do this," I said to myself

I opened the door and got in

MANIK: "Well? You aren't scared, are you?" he smirked

I gave him one of my deadliest glares and eventually gave in.

"Fine, I'll go on date with you," I said rolling my eyes

MANIK: "Say Wallah" he said

Where did he learn that from? Great now I need to go on date for sure on a date with him

"How to get to know that word?" I asked surprised

Whoever taught him that, he or she is dead

MANIK: "Aryamaan, apparently if someone says 'Wallah', they won't lie...so say Wallah," he said smiling at me

"Fine, Wallah I'll go on a date with you!" I said

MANIK: "See how easy it was" he smirked and started the car again

"Take me, home kid!" I said annoyed

He grabbed my face and shaped my lips into a smile with his two fingers

MANIK: "Smile, you should be happy going on a date with me. A lot of girls don't get that chance," he said

"Whatever," I said pushing away his hands

MANIK: "Okay c'mon let's go home," he said and he started driving

He dropped me off at the end of the street, my mother and brother can not see him bringing me home. My plan with Navya would be ruined then

I unlocked the door and was praying that everybody was already asleep.I saw Abhimanyu and mom sitting at the table as I opened the door and took my shoes off. This is bad.

"Nandini Siddique, where the hell was you?" They both looked angry, did they know I was? 

Either way, I'm sticking to my story

"I was at Navya's place like I said" I answered placing my keys and phone on the counter.

I placed everything on the counter I saw a few texts from Navya

"Your mom called my mom, abort the mission, I repeat abort mission!"

"Shittt" I whispered

MOM: "Don't lie, I called Navya's mother. You haven't been there the whole evening" she shouted

"Mom I was just out with umm friend" and another lie

MOM: "I was worried Nandu"

ABHIMANYU: "Were you with Manik?" he asked sitting next to mom.

"Okay yes I was with Manik, we were just talking about everything that happened."

ABHIMANYU: "I knew you had felling for that guy!" she shouted standing up

"I don't Abhi and it isn't your business anyway!" I shouted back

ABHIMANYU: "Yes it i-"

"Whatever, I'm going upstairs" I interrupted him

MOM: "You're grounded for a whole week, from school you come directly home!" my mom shouted again

"Thank you for always being there for me mom," I said sarcastically and with that, I went up to my room

I heard her shout "What does that suppose to mean" but I ignored her

I understand why I'm grounded, I should've just asked if I could go and see Manik... Things weren't going good, I talked back and raised my voice at my own mother, I sneaked out of the house to meet a boy and I haven't prayed the whole day

I lied on the bed and took out my phone, I texted Navya back about being grounded and started scrolling social media.


Aryamaan taught me a few things about their religion and to be honest, I was really interested. I loved it when Aryamaan spoke about it, but I don't see myself converting anytime soon.

I drove home and jumped into bed. Everyone was asleep so I didn't get an interrogation from where I was.

I was brushing my teeth to finally go to bed after a hard day until I received a message from Nandini

"I'm grounded for the whole week, I'm only allowed to go out for school. So, we need to postpone our 'date', too bad"

She was lucky, I know that she didn't want to go on a date with me but I did what I was good at, annoy her until she gave in.

I responded back with: "Then our date will take place next week, babe", I typed that last bit I deleted it before I send it. I wish I could just call her that, but she would kill me for calling her 'babe'

"Can't wait" she responded and after that, I was fast asleep.

So, How was the chapter?

Isn't Manik being cute?

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