31. Let me Go

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I was standing in front of the school waiting for the person that ditched me to arrive. I saw Aryamaan's car stopping in front of the school a few minutes later. I saw Navya sitting next to him but they didn't see me standing there, waiting for them. I watched every move they made until I saw them making a move, a move I expected the least

They kissed, they just freaking kissed

Not just a kiss on the cheek no, a real kiss. She jumped out of the car and waved at Aryamaan. I don't think he has a class in the afternoon or he's just going to skip school again. Navya stopped as soon as she saw me standing there like I saw a ghost.

She stopped and placed her hand on her mouth. She's so dead for not telling me that Aryamaan and her were dating.

She started running towards me and the only thing I understood was "Nandini, I can explain"

"You're so dead Navya," I say

NAVYA: "No listen, when you were hanging out with Manik a lot we-"

"No, Navya.I was hanging out with Manik a lot because you were always hanging out with 

Aryamaan" I interuptted HER

NAVYA: "I'm sorry, please don't be mad," she said almost bursting out in tears

"I'm not mad Navya, I'm happy that you guys found each other but you should've told me.."I said trying to soothe her.

NAVYA: "Yeah yeah I will...What do you want to know?" she said grabbing my shoulder

"Let's sit down,"I said and she followed me to the bench in front of the college

We had a few minutes until our next class started so she needed to explain everything fast

NAVYA: "So that's it really, we aren't really that long together..We wanted to tell you when it was serious. We've been talking about the Nikkah and if we were sure about it, we would've told you," she said looking at me to see if I was hurt

"It's fine really, I'm glad I know now. When are you going to do your Nikkah?" I asked

NAVYA: "Soon, cause we don't want to have a haram relationship" she responded

Too late for that I thought, but I'm not here better than her. I like a non-Muslim guy, that's a lot worse than her being with a Muslim guy. Even though nothing happen between me and Manik yet, I still have a feeling that something is going to change between us.

"Anyway, class starts in a bit. Let's go in...And by the way, I'm going to kill Aryamaan for not allowing you to tell me this" I said

NAVYA: "You have my blessing" she responded

I threw my arm over her shoulder and we walked back into the building. I was happy there were no secrets between us anymore. And I was happy that I, somehow, had my best friend back.No boy is going to steal her from me, I'm not allowing that to happen.

*In Afternoon*

NAVYA: "Want to go to my place? Watch some bad movies?" she asked

I actually was down for that, even though I felt bad that I wasn't down to go to Mukti's place. I just knew Navya for way longer, she knows what I need.

"Did you forget that I'm grounded?"I responded slightly annoyed

NAVYA: "Right," she said biting her lower lip

"Is your mom picking you up?" I asked

NAVYA: "Euhmm no actually, Arya is picking me up" she responded shyly

"Seriously? I wish I had a bae to pick me up" I faked cried overdramatically

NAVYA: "You do" she smirked

"Don't you dare-"

NAVYA: "Manik" she teased, running away from me

NAVYA: "Bye!" she shouted and waved at me

Arya and Navya were going out to see a movie, so I decided to walk home. It isn't that far and the fresh air would do me some good.

After I was walking for 15 minutes, I already was pretty tired. I stopped to catch my breath but I felt that someone was following me so I started walking and right after that I started running. I was scared, what is it was Maddy to finish what he had started.

I was tired so a few streets further I stopped against a wall. I looked around and I didn't see anyone anymore. I probably lost him or her.

I wanted to continue my walk but someone grabbed my arm out of nowhere

I looked behind me to find him, the guy that probably hates me. And by the look on his face, he was angry...Grabbing my arm more tightly.

"Let me go!" I shouted but he just laughed at my reaction

"Well well, let's see who's going to save you now"

Allah, please save me

𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now