50. She knows

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She knows?How?I swear to God if Nandini told her anything...

I cleared my throat and collected the courage to ask her what the hell she was talking about

"You know what?"I asked

To be honest, I was shitting myself at that moment. Her knowing will change everything...

MUKTI: "I know that you and Nandini kissed," she said enthusiastically jumping up and down whilst clapping her hands

Thank God she didn't know about the cancer

"How do you know about that?"I asked opening the water bottle

MUKTI: "I saw you," she said

"Okay wait up, why the hell was you outside at that time?"I asked.

MUKTI: "That's not important, what is, is why the hell you left like that after you've just kissed a girl hu?"

"That's none of your business,"I said

MUKTI: "Yes it is!" she responded raising her voice

This girl is being so annoying...

I turned around and made my way to the stairs

MUKTI: "Oh and Manik" she said

I stopped as I wanted to hear what she was about to say

MUKTI: "I also know that your cancer is back," she said with a cracky voice

"What?!" I said as I turned around

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at me without moving for 5 seconds

She jumped in my arms and hugged me tightly, I hugged her back after 2 seconds and started crying myself.

She knows..she knows

"You know.."I sobbed



I knew what he was doing, he did this all the time whenever it would get tough, he pushed me away to not 'hurt me'

Whatever, I'm over that shit

He's getting that treatment, even if he doesn't want to

I jumped on the bus but wasn't heading home. I was on my way to the hospital, I need to have a chat with Mnaik's doctor.


I arrived at the hospital and went to reception

"Hi, I would like to speak with doctor Vikrant"

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked

Ofcourse I didn't, but I needed to talk to him about the treatment

"Please I really need to talk to him"I tried to convince her and think it worked

"A moment please, take a seat I will call him to ask if he has a few minutes"

"What's your name young lady?" she asked

"Nandini" I responded and took a seat in the waiting room

There were 4 other people waiting for them to get called

"Nandini" the woman shouted

Great, now everybody in this freaking hospital, knows my name

I stood up and walked to the woman who shouted my name

"He has few minutes, apparently he knows who you are," she said

I thanked her after she showed me on which floor I needed to be

I arrived at the right floor and waited outside the doctor's office before going in.

A tall pretty old guy came out of his office and asked my name was Nandini

"Yes, nice to meet you," I said offering my hand to shake

"Nice to meet you too, Manik mentioned you the other day," he said grabbing my hand

He let go of my hand and made room so I could enter his office.

"Please come in Nandini,"he said

I got in and sat down. I hope he can tell me more about Manik's cancer



MOM: "Why didn't you tell us Manik?"

MOM: "You know you can tell us anything," my mom said

After my sister confessed that she knew about me having cancer, we sat down and waited until mom got home

Apparently, she heard Aryamaan and Nandini fight that day and forced Aryamaan to tell her everything

Now Nandini, my sister, and my mother knows about me having cancer

MUKTI: "You're fighting it right?Right?" she asked

I stood up and walked back and forth

"I don't know I can't go through this again, "I said as I brushed my hair backward with my fingers

MUKTI: "No! I'm not losing anyone else in this family..you will fight it, okay?" she said

MOM: "So that's why Nandini wanted to talk to you, she knows," she said also standing up

I nodded and moved closer to her

"I don't know what to do mom"

My mom grabbed my shoulder with both hands

MOM: "Manik, your father would want you to fight it..so that's exactly what you will be doing"


MOM: "No, last time was different. We have money for the treatment and you have great friends and.."

MOM: "And you have Nandini, who will stand by your side during this awful time" my mother finished

I don't think so...

"Yeah about that, I sort of blackmailed her and she never wants to see me ever again," I said

MOM: "Oh Manik, why do you push everyone you care about away the second life gets harder?" she said stroking my cheek

She was right, I am an idiot. Pushing people away is all I could do

MUKTI: "I'll talk to Nandini but Manik promise me you'll get that treatment"

"I promise Mukti" I responded

Mukti hugged me again and my mom wrapped her arm around us

MOM: "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you guys," she said and we stood there for more than 3 minutes hugging each other


I was walking to the exit of the hospital thinking about the 15 minutes chat I had with doctor Vikrant. He's a kind and understanding man, someone who also want Manik to get the help he needed

I checked my phone on any missed calls or new texts but didn't have any. I mean, I don't have any friends left, Aryamaan lied to me about Manik

Navya didn't know about it but will back up Aryamaan as he was her boyfriend and all. Manik was being a total jerk and Mukti was his sister so I couldn't talk to her about him either

Great, I'm alone again

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