36. Hiding the book

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To be honest, I was curious. Everything Nandini had ever told me about Islam made sense. Everything she wasn't allowed to do had a good reason. So I was interested in religion, but I would keep it lowkey for now. Mainly because I wasn't sure.

I'm not gonna lie though, if it wasn't for Nandini, I would've never ever asked something about Islam

I opened the book and started reading. It began with some words I couldn't read but the translation was written underneath it.

It said 'In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.


Manik was keeping his words and walked or drove me home whenever nobody could take me home. We didn't hang out that much, only that time of the day he took me home.

I noticed a book on Mnaik's car seat as I jumped in his car at the passenger side. I was looking at the book and was only able to read the first word of the title until Manik grabbed the book and placed it on the backseat.

The first word I read was 'The'.Yeah, I know, nothing too special but something about how the book looked seemed different.

MANIK: "Oh, I probably forgot this here," he said about the book

"Wait let me see, "I said trying to reach for it

MANIK: "No," he said also trying to reach for it

And you can already figure it out, the little gap between the driver and passenger seat and our 2 faces against that gap trying to reach for the book with our hand.

We haven't been that close with our faces to each other than that time he almost kissed me. One move and our lips would touch. That book wasn't worth it, so I let go of the book and sat back normally in my seat. I faked a cough because of the awkwardness

"Why can't I see that book?" I asked

What was this guy hiding?

MANIK: "Euhm Euhm," he said avoiding eye contact

"Well?" I asked


What the hell do I say now? 'Hey Nandini I'm interested in Islam and I'm reading about it'. Lol heck no, what if I lose interest after a few weeks. I need to say something so she would drop it immediately. Oh I know

NANDINI: "Well?" she asked

"It's a ...euhm..a you know...man book" I lied. If it wasn't awkward enough already...

NANDINI: "A what? What do you mean by a 'man book'?" she asked

Is she serious? Where does this girl live?

"Seriously?"I said looking at her

She raised her eyebrows and waited for an explanation.

"It's a book with naked girls in it, you naive girl," I said whilst I felt my cheeks turn red

As so dis hers and she broke eye contact. I thought she would drop it, but hell was I wrong

NANDINI: "Why the freaking heck would you buy sh...I mean trash like that?" she shouted

She was angry, why was she angry. I actually found it funny, she was angry because I owned a book with naked girls in it. To be clear, I do not have a book with naked girls in it, I may be used to having it when I was younger like any other guy but I don't own one now. She probably thinks I'm creepy over sexual dude.

"Relax it's not mine," I said trying to soothe her

I didn't lie, it wasn't mine...It was Aryamaan's

She seemed relieved and relaxed again

NANDINI: "I'll kill you if you ever buy a book like that!" she said


"Okay promise, but if you ever bring a book out like that I would be the first..."I couldn't even finish my sentence and she smacked my upper arm

"Auwww" I shouted whilst rubbing the sore point.

NANDINI: "Don't you dare say that again" she threatened

"Or what?" I whispered and leaned in closer

I loved teasing her

NANDINI: "Just drive you weirdo," she said pushing my chest away.

I laughed at her reaction and started the engine, this is going to be one hell of an awkward car ride

Ohh by the way, I almost forgot to tell you that I already have been to court. Based on the security cameras at school, they arrested Maddy for assault with intent to rape. He is going to jail for a long time.


How was the chapter?

I want to clarify that I'm not Muslim. I don't know anything about religion. I have 1 Muslim friend who helps me with the Islamic content in this book. So if I am wrong somewhere please don't hesitate to correct me...

Another big twist is on the way!!😈

𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now