32. How Dare You

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"Harshad, let me go!" I shouted trying to escape from his grip

HARSHAD: "Fine," he said and let go

Wait what? That's it? Was it that easy?

"Thank you, now bye!" I waled away

HARSHAD: "No wait!" he shouted standing in front of me so I wouldn't walk any further

"What?" I asked. What does he want now?

HARSHAD: "I was wondering if you want to give us another chance..If you want to, I will ask your hand in marriage today," he said

He just said what? Why is this guy thinking I would give him another chance? I think he fell on his head.

I started laughing at his, what sounded like, serious words.

"Haha, yeah let's have kids tomorrow," I said still laughing

HARSHAD: "Yeah, if you want to" he responded

This guy is serious, isn't he?!

"Wait you are being serious aren't you?!" I asked

He just nodded and looked at me with a serious expression.

"You're dumber than I thought if you think that I still want to be with you after you tried to slap me" I shouted and walked off after I was done

He literally has gone crazy.

HARSHAD: "You slut, why don't you go cuddle with your boyfriend who I almost punched to death!"

"Wait. YOU DID WHAT?" he just said about Manik, what he did with Manik

HARSHAD: "Yes you heard me right, I was the one because of whom he was in the hospital and I posted that picture online"

I turned around and walked toward him again

"You jerk, Manik was in the hospital because of you!" I shouted and punched his face hard

HARSHAD: "Get your hands off me!" he said grabbing my hands

"Listen very carefully, I-NEVER-WANNA-SEE-YOUR-UGLY-FACE-EVER-AGAIN!"I shouted slowly so he would understand every word I said

I walked away whilst I heard him shout some insult towards me but I ignored him.


Just being 1 day at home was hell boring, what about a whole week...

MOM: "Manik stop..STOP..go to your room and entertain yourself!" she said because I was annoying her

I had nothing to do, Mukti wasn't home so I couldn't annoy her so my mom was the only person that could entertain me

"Mom I'm going to school tomorrow, no way I'm staying a day longer at home!"I said grabbing the strawberry from the cake she was making

MOM: "Wait hold on, you want to go to school? What happened? Its girl isn't it? Who is she?" she smirked trying to read something off my facial expression

"I'm just bored that's all" I responded

MOM: "I know who it is," she said

I turned back to see if she really knew who I was talking about. She doesn't know, can she? It isn't a secret that I like Nandini, but nobody can know that.

MOM: "Its Nandini isn't it?" she said licking her finger as they were covered in chocolate

"Whaaat?No!" How convincing Manik, great job

MOM: "You know Manik, fight for her if you really like her..Doesn't matter what her religion is," my mom said

Her words didn't surprise me though...She's one of the kindest people I have ever met, she wasn't the kind of person to have trouble with anybody. She is kind and caring, the perfect mother to be honest

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and was heading towards my room until I heard the front door open. It was Mukti, probably coming home from school. I couldn't just walk away without asking questions.

"Hey sis, how was school?" I asked over excitedly

MUKTI: "Why do you care? she responded dropping everything on the counter and taking her shoes off

"Because" I answered

I just want to know how my little sister was doing at school, is that forbidden?

MUKTI: "Oh I know why, you want to know about Nandini don't you?" she said crossing her arm and walking close to me

"Shut up no," I said placing my index finger on my lips

MUKTI: "Well, she was great..we talked and I think I'm beginning to like her" she shouted so mom would hear her

MOM: "Who is great?" she shouted back

Great job Mukti. Now she will for sure know that I liked Nandini. Actually, I already told her that I loved her, so actually, I loved her...Nobody could know that though, even my own mother couldn't

MUKTI: "Nobody mom, just a friend" she shouted back

MUKTI: "I know you like..I mean love her. But I won't say anything" she whispered passing by me.

I followed her to her room to know more. I closed the door of her room behind me and started asking questions

"How did you know I loved her? And how was she? Did anybody give her a rough time? They are dead if someone did!" I said

MUKTI: "First off.You just confirmed my suspicions and yes but I got her back" she responded

"Who was giving her a hard time?" they wouldn't survive if one of my friends even raised their voice at her

MUKTI: "Just Alya and apparently one of your friends threatened her. One of my friends told me that, I think she said Dhruv..but I'm not sure" she said

He did what? He isn't going to survive this. Just wait until I see his face at school tomorrow.

"I'm going to have a one on one talk with Dhruv!" I said angrily

MUKTI: "Manik, you can't be in another fight anymore, they will expel you too," she said

She was right, I wanted to punch Dhruv but they would expel me for doing that.

MUKTI: "If you get expel then you will be missing your girl a lot more than usual," she said

"Whatever," I said pushing her which made her fall on the bed

I left the room and went back to mine, I'm definitely going to school tomorrow. Let's see who dares to open their mouth at me the same way they do at Nandini...


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So I'm back with updates 

This story will get completed before 2022. Stay tuned!!!

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