5. The jerk

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We were both free because we didn't have any classes, so Aryamaan decided to walk to the ground, and I agreed to accompany him. We were ascending the stairwell. When my phone vibrated, I opened it to see if there was a message from an unknown number.

"Hey princess, I mean Nandini. Are you free until lunch break? If you are, can we meet up for the project in the library?" --It's the jerk.

Aryamaan was peeping into my phone. I looked at him and let him read the text.

"Wallahi, this guy gives me a headache even when he's not there," I whined, my head tilted.

"Oohhh... and good luck," Aryamaan said sarcastically.

"Hahahahah, Arya, you're so funny!" I yelled.

"Yes, I'm free, I'm coming," I texted back.

When I arrived at the library, I noticed Manik sitting at a table with his laptop.

"Hey, jerk, I mean Manik," I teased him.

"Hello there! thief of a joke, "he teased back with a smirk.

"How are you doing, princess?" he asked as he closed his laptop.

"My name is Nandini, "I replied irritably."

"Fine-fine..for now," he said, as he extended his hand to shake.

I ignored his touch and responded, "I am fine."

"Are my hands dirty for you, princess?" he asks, examining his hands.

I replied, "I'm not touching you or any other males who aren't family."

We began reading the project details, and it was mentioned that we needed to create a project based on a musical instrument.

"Let's do a guitar project," we both agreed.

"Do whatever you want, princess," he said, smirking.

I warned him, "Oh god, you're so annoying. Stop calling me that or I'll go. "

"All right, I'll stop princ-Nandini," Manik says.

"So just continue with the guitar... Just search for what its type is and about the tuning as well, "I said.

He nodded and pulled out his laptop, on which he began typing.


I like to tease her and bother her, but she is different.

She still hates me, and I'm curious as to why. What a mistake I made with her. I have the opportunity to ask her now that she is sitting in front of me.

"Hey! I'd like to ask you a question. " I ask

She raised her eyes from her reading.

Nandini said, "Ask."

"Can you tell me why you hate me so much? Did I do something to you?" I questioned.

"Do you really have no idea?" she asked, her brows pinched.

'No,' I said with a shake of my head.

She stood up, put the book on the bookshelf, and came back.

"We were in the same school. I guess you'll figure out the rest all by yourself. You can do that or it's just this handsome face is all you got, "she said.

"Wait, did you just call me handsome?" I chuckled.

"The most important thing is that I called you stupid," she added as she packed her belongings and left.

"Fair enough," I exclaimed.

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