24. I love you

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We had been driving for an hour now and he didn't say a word. Where the hell was he taking me? I can't be home too late, so I'll text Abhimanyu later to let him know I'll be studying with friends at school. I looked at Manik again, and he was still focused on the road, not saying anything.

"Manik...Where are you taking me? " I inquired once more when I noticed him heading along a weird path lined with trees and stillness.

He didn't even bother to glance at me when he stated, "We'll be here any minute now."

The car stopped, and Manik turned off the engine. Finally, he looked at me and demanded me to get out of the car in a stern voice that sounded more like an order.

I am not his dog to follow his commands, I stayed in the car as he was already out of the car, not without signing in annoyance.

He pushed open the door on my side and gave me an irritated glare.

"Come out, Nandini," he said again, louder this time.

I did what he said, and he grabbed my hand and started walking.

"No, don't touch me," I murmured, my gaze fixed on his cold gaze.

He smirked, "I don't want to run again."

There was only silence around us, and there were many trees. Wait, did he take me to the forest, I know that most people would be scared right now, but I was not. He practically dragged me down to the middle of the forest.

He came to a halt and let go of my hand.

"We're here," he said, looking at something in front of him.

I looked at him, watching as his face relaxed. I then looked at what he was watching: the view... Ma Sha Allah, I have never seen anything like this before.

My gaze was drawn to every waterfall and patch of greenery

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My gaze was drawn to every waterfall and patch of greenery.

"Isn't it lovely?" He said as his gaze was fixed on the scene

"Ummm yeah," I said, soaking in my surroundings.

"I visited here a few times after my father died; one of my friends told me about it...It helps me to unwind and think clearly. " He continued to speak, his gaze concentrated on the waterfall in front of us.

"Oh, I didn't know. What else was I supposed to say?

Manik turned around to face me, grabbing my hand once more and dragging me to the large rock. He sat down and motioned for me to join him by patting the area next to him. I took a seat and continued to gaze at the breathtaking scenery.

After a few minutes, I noticed Manik staring at me. Before he said anything, I turned to face him and we exchanged a few seconds of eye contact.

"Someone hacked my profile, so I didn't post that photo... As soon as I saw the photo, I deleted it, "he remarked, glancing down at his hand, breaking eye contact.

I was at a loss for words, I criticized him for things he hadn't done.

"How could you think I'd do something like that to hurt you? I needed you to trust me, but you didn't, "he said, looking at me with hurt visible in his eyes.

"I-I," I stammered since I couldn't think of anything else to say. Instead of freaking out, I should have listened to him.

"Why didn't you tell me that in college? Why did you force me to come with you, to this place? " I asked.

He gazed at me as though he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"First of all, you didn't let me speak. You keep babbling like you haven't talked in a year, and second of all, you are so freaking stubborn!"

He was hurt, and I was the cause. I should've trusted him and listened to him, but I couldn't think of anything to say while staring at Manik. I noticed tears in his eyes, I've never seen him cry, not even when his dad died.

I gripped his chin and lifted his face to make him look at me without thinking. I wiped his tears away and told him to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Manik! I should've listened and trusted you! " I said, feeling guilty, and tears made their way through my eyes.

I was the one who was crying now. I lowered my head because I didn't want him to see me cry.

It was now his time, and he did the same thing, lifting my face and wiping away my tears. But he didn't take his hand away from my cheeks; instead, he stared at me with red swollen eyes and said nothing. Our foreheads were touching as he leaned in closer.

He put his index finger on my lips just as I was about to say something.

What was happening? His eyes were fixed on mine.

"I love you and I hate that I love you," he said quietly. "I hate it because I know I can't have you."

I was taken aback by his abrupt confession.

What did you mean?

No, he didn't just say that?

He pulled his finger back and moved away. He stood up and walked towards the water, and started looking at the waterfall.

Don't try to hide your feelings for him, Nandini.

I like him and all, but I don't think I love him.

I got up from the rock and walked to Manik and stood beside him. I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers as we both looked at the view. We stood there for a few minutes until Manik let go of my hand.

"It's getting dark. I'll drop you off at home, "he said and made his way to the car. I followed him and we both got into the car. We didn't say a word. The whole ride was silent.


There it is, I said it. Now she knows, she knows that I love her. That I would kill every guy that touch her, that I would travel the world to see her and that I would buy her anything that makes her happy. Every time she cries, I die inside.

I'll make anybody suffer for every tear Nandini drops for them. But I can't have her. I can't make her mine because I'm not like her. I don't believe in God, I don't have a religion, and I'm not Muslim. And I hate it. I hate that I love her so much and I hate that she doesn't love me the same.

I need to forget about her, to clear my mind of her.

I get chills all over my body whenever she touches me. I won't be able to have her, so I'll have to forget about her. For the time being, I'll keep my distance, but every time I look at her, it kills me. She deserves better—someone who is exactly like her.

I wish I could hold her hand forever, but I'm afraid I won't be able to. I had no choice but to let her go. She's the only girl for whom I've ever cried, and she'll always be the only one for whom I crave.

"It's getting dark. I'll drop you off at home, "

So, how was the update?

Who do you think is the person who messed up with Manik's phone?

What do you think is gonna happen finally Manik confessed!!

I've got some good news for you all. So, I am going to add a bonus chapter to the story, and not only one, but more than one. But every chapter will have a certain number of targets. (For example, the first bonus chapter you'll get when this book will reach 100k reads and for others, I will decide.)It will be a gift for the success of the book.

Also, do check out my story other stories!


𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now