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Vi woke before me, placing soft kisses on my neck to wake me as well. I blinked open my eyes, seeing her ocean blue ones staring right back at me. It was still night when we woke, but we had to leave. We knew we couldn't stay for long.

"I have a plan. But you need to trust me. We're gonna pay a visit to one of your Councilor friends." Vi whispered, still hovering above my face. I pushed her off me, grumpy at my lack of sleep.

"Can you explain the plan to me when I'm actually awake, Vi?" I scorned her. She just chuckled, pulling me out of bed. She stripped to put on her usual jacket and wraps. That's one way to wake me up.

"Vi. Take that off. I have something for you." She raised her eyebrow, ever the face of innocent curiosity.

I pulled an old suit out of my closet. Like many things, this old gear stayed here at Ekko's while I spent most of my time topside.

"It was my old stuff from before I became an Enforcer. It doesn't fit me anymore, and it's not my style. It'll look good on you, try it." I threw it at her, and she caught it before it hit her face.

I put on my usual gear, black and silver, while waiting for Vi to come out of the bathroom.

A moment later, she emerged, clad in my old suit. It was simple, because that was all I could afford back then, but Vi made it look so hot.

It was black, like mine, but with red details. No sleeves, and a hood; black pants, black boots. I stared at her ravenously. She looked amazing.

"Hey Cupcake, do you have bandages? I need to rewrap my arms. Quit staring." She said absentmindedly. I snapped my eyes back up to hers.

"Third drawer. Bring them out here, I'll wrap them for you." I said, turning back to the mirror and helplessly trying to calm my furiously beating heart.

I saw her approach me with the bandages from the mirror, and I spun to face her, almost falling. Vi caught me, a short laugh escaping from her mouth. I just looked down, grabbing the bandages from her hand, my face pink again.

I grabbed her arms, beginning to wrap them. My hands shook lightly as I cooked the gauze, my eyes averting from Vi's.

"It looks good on you." Vi raised an eyebrow. "The suit. It, it um. It looks nice. You look good." I stammered, inwardly cursing at myself. I cleared my throat and looked up at Vi, who was smiling dopily. I just shook my head, a smile toying at my own lips, and continued to wrap Vi's arms.

Once they were wrapped, Vi lurched forwards, quickly embracing me. I was slightly stunned by the sudden action. "What's this for?" I mumbled against her shoulder, but still hugging just as fiercely back.

"No reason. I just love you." Vi whispered. "After all this is over, I'm going to make you my wife." My stomach did a somersault at the thought. "Is that so?" I asked playfully.

I pulled away from Vi's shoulder, placing my hands on either side of her face. There was a huge grin on my lips, mirroring hers. She leaned in, kissing me sweetly, as if everything was right in the world. Because it would be.

We walked out of the firelight's base, in the dead of night. I followed Vi, as she led me towards Piltover. We reached a closed factory, and Vi put her finger over her lips, motioning for me to be quiet. She entered, and I saw Jayce and one of the Councilwomen talking. Mel. Her dark skin glistened in the dim light of the furnace, her eyes glinting in what seemed to be mischief.

I didn't trust her. Nor her plans with Jayce. He was easy to manipulate, susceptible to suggestion. Like a little boy.

Soon, Mel wrapped up her conversation with Jayce, and once she left, Vi slipped in, slowly running her hand through the hanging wrenches and tools. Jace whipped around towards the sound. He frantically darted his eyes around, looking for the source.

VioletTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon