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At this point I like writing more than reading, it's the only way anymore that I obsess over Arcane.
I threw my hood on, grabbing the pile of pamphlets from my bed Ekko had given to us this morning, so we could deliver them out on the streets.

I looked at the title and content one last time, making sure it was eye catching and believable.

Piltover Is Lying To You.
Do you have doubts about our current regime? You're not alone! There have been many discrepancies in our government, and it's time to call them out. Especially our last election.

Your true leader is alive and well, in our hearts and minds. And someone just and true deserves the mantle more than anyone else.

Let's discuss!! If you believe the regime should change and want to do something about it, meet us at:
145697, The Lanes.
The warehouse behind the old factory.
@ 7pm
November 27th

The pamphlets were large and brightly colored, making it easy for someone to see on the street and read. The letters were large and bold, almost screaming at you. I smiled, knowing that this moment was the start. The start of our second revolution. We would fix it, fix the city, fix everything.

"You coming, Cupcake?" Vi yelled from the doorway, popping her head in.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go." I sheathed my swords, shoving the pamphlets in my satchel.

"I see you're bringing the old rubies out." Vi keenly observed, gazing at the great blades on my back. I chuckled, remembering it fondly. Vi's smile quickly dropped upon seeing the mask I pulled out from my pocket. I rolled my eyes, putting it on.

A few minutes later, we were strolling along the streets of The Undercity, putting up flyers. I slapped them on walls, bars, counters, bathrooms, everywhere.

I had my old mask and hood up, like a shell. Vi never liked when I wore it, but it made me feel safe. Like I could do whatever I wanted and not worry about anyone judge me.

Vi said I acted different with it on. Maybe I did, but who cares? It made me happy.

"Hey, Cupcake?" I hummed, turning towards Vi. Her eyes were sparkling with question.

"Do you think that maybe... we're caring too much? You're caring too much? About this?" I tilted my head. Heat was gently flaring in my lungs at her question, but I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, asking her silently to elaborate.

She sighed. "Like.... what has this city even done for you? For us? Why don't we just leave? I just... these past years, you've gotten lost in the responsibility of it all and I just don't get why. These people haven't done shit for you, why fight for them? You get up there and you just lose yourself. I don't like it. It peeves me. Like that mask of yours. You get lost in it and become someone else. Sometimes I have half a mind to just.... leave. Leave this city. I don't know how you don't." She muttered, slapping posters on the wall.

Not this again. I breathed deeply, trying to control my frustration. Vi would always bring this weird notion up, at the most random times. I didn't understand where she was coming from, even when I wanted to.

"I just care, Vi." I said shortly, the venom seeping into my voice a bit. "And the mask protects my identity."

"Yeah, but why? I just... don't like this you. I don't like the you that cares for people who couldn't give two fucks about you. It hurts me. I don't like the you that puts that mask on and becomes dangerous and... someone I don't know. Like you're hiding who you really are. You don't even need to protect your identity anymore, you should take that stupid thing off." She spoke quickly, confident in her very wrong words.

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