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"Don't forget to catch me!" Ekko didn't have time to think because at that moment, I jumped off the board, letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

I fell for quite some time, screaming. I felt silent after a while, observing those on the platform that was slowly rising above me. Any time now, Ekko.

I saw Vi turn her head at my scream, pushing whoever she was fighting aside, and yelling "NO!" as I fell. I grimaced. How much more pain was I going to put her in?

I was still falling, past the sight of the platform, reaching dangerously close to the street.

Suddenly I saw a man on a board, racing towards me. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." Ekko yelled, his eyes wide as he loomed towards me.


He swooped low, grabbing me just in time. I groaned in pain, the area on my back where he caught me stinging.

"Asshole.." I muttered, rubbing my neck from the whiplash.

"I could've let you die, so watch your mouth." He retorted, side eyeing me.

I glared at him. Asshole.

"You got Vi and Caitlyn?" I asked.

"Yeah, knocked them out. The others took them away. I don't know where Jinx went." He replied, quite exasperatedly.

"We have an issue now. They think I'm dead, Ekko." I said, a hand on my forehead, massaging my temple.

"This was your idea!" He hissed. I glared at him, shutting him up. "We'll figure it out." He sighed.

Yeah, we have to.

We flew into headquarters, the magnificent tree towering hundreds of feet above us. I couldn't help but stare. It amazed me every time.

He dropped me on the ground. "Don't interrogate Vi without me!" I yelled as I made my way to my room to freshen up.

I quickly showered, put on a fresh change of clothes, and headed outside. Ekko always kept a room open for me, so I could have a place here.

I grabbed two emerald encrusted swords, now that my favorite ruby ones were gone, and sheathed them on my back.

I headed out, to see Ekko waiting for me. He winked at me. "Let's do this." I sighed. Vi was going to hate me.

I lifted a hand to my lips, remembering hers on mine. The feel of her tongue, her skin.

He entered the room Vi and Caitlyn were in, and I waited just outside the door. He gave me a reassuring glance, before disappearing inside.

"I knew it was a mistake trusting you." Caitlyn.

"You've been a real picnic yourself." Vi, of course.

"I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps!" Caitlyn shouted.

"This isn't Silco, it's someone else." Good girl, Vi.

"How do you know?" Caitlyn asked.

"Cause we'd already be dead." I can literally hear the eye roll, Vi.

"Oh, very nice. Were you planning on telling us that your lunatic sister works for him? We lost someone because of her!" Caitlyn.... I smiled. I didn't think she would care that much. I wasn't dead! I was right here, I wanted to yell.

"Just as soon as you came clean about what the hell you're really doing down here." I frowned, realizing just how much we lied to her.

"I told you the truth." Caitlyn said, but hesitant.

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