Midoriya had visited her every single day without question, refusing to leave her unguarded for a long amount of time. He had been very protective and sometimes even possessive of the girl, not allowing her to do too much work by herself without letting him help. Since they confessed their love for each other, he's been much more comfortable and even confident in their relationship, going as far as to actually change the girl's clothes since she couldn't do it herself. Kira was very grateful for Midoriya's help, so when she was finally discharged from the hospital, she decided to stop by a souvenir shop before heading over to the school.

Kira looked around the aisles, her entire body itching from all the bandages she wore. Her arms were completely covered up, along with her hands and fingers, her torso was completely wrapped up and it annoyed Kira to no end. She was ordered to return to the hospital in a few days to have them removed, but until then, Kira would have to change her bandages herself every day. She was sure Midoriya would not allow her to do it all by herself, so she was sure she'd see a lot of him for the next few days, which was totally fine. 

She mindlessly strolled through the small shop, gazing over the endless amount of All Might plushies. She honestly didn't know which one to buy, since Midoriya basically had every piece of merchandise there was, until she came across a rather small poster. It displayed All Might in his hero costume with his back turned towards the viewer, his hand reaching out to a group of small children. The children were crying, but their faces adorned small and hopeful smiles as they reached up towards All Might. It almost reminded Kira of the way All Might had reached out to Midoriya back when he was quirkless, so Kira knew she had to buy the small poster.

After paying for her gift and exiting the store, she lazily looked around the busy street. People were gloomy and had started losing hope after All Might had retired, which was clear by how dull and tired everyone seemed. Kira heaved a heavy sigh before scratching a spot under the bandage on her hand, continuing her walk to the train station. After a good 10 minutes, Kira had found herself a spot on the train as she watched the landscapes zoom past her face. She had her earbuds in, blocking out all sounds around her as she started looking at her own reflection in the glass.

She looked tired, her eyes barely holding onto their sparkle and the purple bags under them only proving her point. She grimaced at the sight, reminding herself to start getting into makeup again, until she suddenly felt someone standing at her side. Being too tired to actually turn her head, so she opted to just try and find their reflection. As soon as her eyes landed on the person standing next to her, her eyes widened and she turned around with a start. Her breathing picked up as she quickly looked around the wagon, trying to find the way too familiar stitched up face she had seen in the reflection just seconds ago.

Her fingers shook by her side as her heart raced, standing up to try and get a clearer view of the passengers on the train. She received some odd glances of people who were trying to continue their day in peace, but Kira couldn't care less. She could've sworn she saw Dabi standing right beside her. Or was it just her mind acting up again? She couldn't tell, and that terrified her. She looked inside the wagons beside hers through the small windows, finding that they didn't hold the person she was looking for either.

"Excuse me miss, are you all right?" asked someone from the opposite side of the wagon, making Kira look towards the older man. She looked around one last time just to make sure until she slowly nodded her head. "Y-Yeah, just thought I saw someone", responded the girl before turning to sit back down in her seat. She dragged her hand across her face, looking down at her fingertips which had started glowing purple out of instinct. She closed her hand into a tight fist, making the glow disappear before going back to carefully watching her reflection in the glass window. 

Feel the adrenaline (Midoriya x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt