VENERATION (Kozume Kenma)

Start from the beginning

You never questioned how he knew you were a girl, despite your YouTube profile picture being a popular male anime character. You never wondered how he had the time to look at your profile when he was in the middle of a game or even why he would check some random commenter's profile.

To you, Koduzen was a celebrity, someone from a world you wished to reach but could never touch. Someone to be watched, but never met for more than an autograph or picture. Someone you could never hold a conversation with for more than a minute before his manager would usher you away.

To you, that's what celebrities were. Untouchable and superhuman.

To Kozume Kenma, you were the same. Untouchable and superhuman.

Except you'd be touchable soon enough.

Kenma had met you several months ago.

Back then, he streamed whenever he felt like it, played whatever he felt like playing, and barely paid any genuine attention to the chat. When his manager and best friend, Kuroo, insisted he go to [your country]'s YouTube convention he tried to refuse.

But, like with all things Kuroo-related, he got dragged along into it anyway. The mobs of girls swarming him, flirting with him just because he was a famous single YouTuber, touching all over him without his permission, and saying the dumbest shit he didn't want to hear.

When he was done with autographs and pictures and all the other shit they forced him into doing, he holed up in his hotel room and played games until midnight. When he reached for the soda he always had next to him on his desk, he remembered where he was.

He knew girls were probably lurking in the hotel they knew he was probably staying at. He shuddered to think he might have to fend for himself this time, without Kuroo and the security guards.

Hood up and sunglasses on- his disguise was complete. He was fully shielded. 100%. Everything would be fine. At least, that's what he told himself.

He slipped his keycard into his hoodie's pocket and opened the door, throwing a glance either way to make sure the coast was clear, and made his way to the vending machines. The signs around the hotel weren't especially clear, but when he finally found them, dread sank into his skin.

A girl was standing there and, on her sweatshirt, was the Koduzen logo. Despite being in his disguise, he had hoped to avoid meeting anyone, not just because he wasn't a huge fan of socialization but because there was still a chance he'd be recognized.

This was the worst possible situation.

He started to back away, but the girl had already looked up, smiling at him. She had been extracting her own drink from the vending machine- a soda that he'd never tried before (he was a creature of habit) and was straightening up from her former crouched position.

Her smile grew as she spoke to him, but not because she recognized him. No, to her, he was just some random stranger dressed kind of suspiciously.

"The machine gave me two sodas instead of one. I don't know if you like this kind, but I have an extra if you want it!"

Kenma's eyes widened as the girl outstretched her hand to him, an identical soda being offered in one [skin tone] hand. He accepted it and thanked her, immediately regretting it when her eyes showed recognition.

She opened her mouth, then seemed to think better of it, and reopened it to say, "Sorry, you sounded like someone I admire."

Kenma found himself responding, even though his introverted senses urged him to turn tail and just try the new soda or sneak back later when this mysteriously fangirl had left, "Who do I sound like?"

"A YouTuber, Koduzen."

"And you said you admire him? Why?" Kenma chose his words carefully, pitching his voice a little deeper than normal, curiosity winning over his normal instincts.

"He's really good at gaming and is really smart. He's always fast to react and amazing at strategizing. He's entertaining to watch and his commentary is really clever and makes me laugh a lot. He's just overall an amazing gamer and YouTuber."

Your eyes were shining at the end of your rant and Kenma had to make sure he didn't gape openly at her. He was used to his fans going on about how "cute" he was and how they loved this or that about him. And yeah, lots of people complimented his skills (he was a professional gamer, after all) but not quite like this girl. She was... interesting.

He found himself wanting to test her, to see if he was like every other fan he met. Bursting into furious shrieks when anyone said anything against him and becoming some sort of monster that fed off of the hater's displeasure. Insulting them, sending death threats, one was even doxxed. And Kenma hated those reactions.

So he forced a fake sneer to his lips and sharply said, "Koduzen is so overrated and cringy. I can't believe anyone's a fan of him."

The girl's eyes widened for a moment and he braced himself for whatever she would do.

"That's okay. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions." She was smiling, albeit a little sadly, and asked, "What YouTubers do you like?"

And that's how the undercover Koduzen managed to have a genuinely relaxing conversation with a fan about YouTube and even just normal everyday things. He found his heart warming to this girl and the desire itching under his skin to learn more and more and more about her.

When Kenma got back to his home, despite being exhausted from the convention, he booted up his computer and typed your name into the search engine. Hours passed as he soaked up every detail about you that he could find, falling deeper and deeper in love with you.

Why did you never notice that your webcam was on when you were watching Kenma's streams? Why did you never question the timing of his streams? It's all for you after all.

It was so worth it to "notice" your comment. Your pretty little squeals and happy smile sent shivers up and down his spine and pride swelling in his chest.

The next YouTube convention in your country was only a few months away. And don't worry, Kenma is completely prepared. After all, you could never say no to following him to his room.

You'd ignored every warning sign up until now, what was a few more?

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