47. I still love you

Começar do início

ROHIT: "Bro, if you're not interested..I would gladly take her to my room" he responded


Even though Manik was drunk, I saw that he was getting mad at what Rohit just said

ROHIT: "I mean, I've heard she's pretty good in bed" he finished

Manik was still looking at me with his back towards Rohit and the crowd but he was listening to what Rohit was saying

MANIK: "Nandini, can you please go," he said still trying to not tackle the heck out of this guy

I nodded and did what he said. I was getting scared and wouldn't want any problems

But as I was walking away Rohit grabbed my arm

"Let me go!"I shouted

MANIK: "Rohit, let her go.." he said in a calming way

Rohit looked at him, his smile was turning into a serious face

MANIK: "NOW!" he shouted balding his fist

ROHIT: "Or what?" he asked taking a step forward

"Manik, stay calm please, "I said

I didn't want him to be in any trouble with the police again

Rohit was still holding on to me.

ROHIT: "I mean, why would I do that? You're clearly not on.." he couldn't even finish his sentence and Manik punched him right in the face

Rohit fell to the ground and his hand release me from his grip. He stood up immediately

ROHIT: "You're going to regret it, son," he said whilst cleaning the blood off his mouth

They both started fighting and because Manik was clearly drunker than Rohit, Manik was losing

The crowd backed up Rohit by shouting whilst I tried to make them stop by trying to pull Rohit from Manik. But I wasn't strong enough...

What do I do now? I can't come in between them or I'll be the one to get punched. But I can't also call the cops...

As I was crying because I ran out of ideas and saw Manik bleeding more and more, the guy from earlier and his friends came in between them.

Rohit backed away but Manik didn't stand up

ROHIT: "That's what you get dick," he said after he spat on him

AMAN: "Okay, back off," he said pushing him back

ROHIT: "Or what?"

AMAN: "Or I'll make sure you'll never walk again," he said furiously.

His mate backed him up after they helped Manik up.

The crowd continued dancing and left Rohit on his own.

When I thought it was finally over, Rohit whispered something which made them all angry.

Aman punched Rohit which made him fall on the ground and the rest of his mated kicked him to finish it off

Aman calmed them down and turned to Manik and asked him if he was alright

Manik nodded and Aman turned back and faced me

AMAN: "You're a great friend, but don't come to parties like these again. Now take him home," he said

I nodded and swang Mnaik's arm around my neck so I could take him home

ROHIT: "You hijabi, this guy is more included in your li.." he said as he stood up but Aman punched him again before he could even finish his sentence.

What does he mean? What was he about to say? Am I supposed to know that Aman guy? Anyway, Manik is my priority now.

I don't have a car so we have to walk home" I said but I don't think Manik even heard me

MANIK: "My-m-my car," he said

I could barely understand him, he was that drunk

"You'll have to get it in the morning, let's take you home now"I responded

We were walking home and could barely hold him up. I didn't have the strength

We finally arrived home and I dropped all of his stuff in his room

Thank God he had a key otherwise his mom would have asked me a lot of questions.

Mukti woke up because of the noise but understood when she saw me practically dragging Mnaik up to stairs

His mother probably had a rough day, so she was fast asleep

"Here you go," I said when I dropped him on the bed

I took his shirt off and tucked him in.

I looked at him for a few seconds before I left his room

"Why would you do something like this to yourself? We'll talk tomorrow...And even though you're a jerk, I still love you" I whispered and left

He didn't hear a word I said, he was drunk, tired, and also fast asleep.


What do you think is a story going well?

𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora