Vlog #100 | stable

Start from the beginning

"I am don't worry about me"

"mkay i still got a lot of things to do, bye" i said ending the call and just sigh before going in the car again just to go home

i sneak back at our room cuddling Scarlett from behind

"where did you go?" she asked on a raspy morning voice

"what do you mean?" i asked playing innocent

"you think i won't notice mh wife is not beside me?" she asked turning around still with close eyes making me chuckle

"i just got back in the orphanage to help Justin finally come home to her mom"

"so you're not the father?"

"of course not... sister shared that his mom is literally a minor when she got pregnant..you know I'm not a groomer"

"good to know" she chuckled as i wrapped my hands around her tightly feeling every touch and every skin contact between us

"i love you' i mumbled on her chest

"me or my boobs?" she asked playfully

"both" i chuckled

"we're gonna get through this together" she stated smiling intertwining our fingers together

"sorry for not telling you..."

"it's fine...i know you just don't want me to worry" she stated sweetly kissing me my head as i hug her tighter

"red?" i hummed looking up to her


"I'm scared"

"remember what i always tell you when you're afraid?"

"you're here..." i responded smiling

"but if something happened i---"

"don't say that"

"no... at least we're ready...y' know what? I'm talking to the new CEO of JHNSN right now"

"no you did not do that" she huff shaking her head

"why not?"

"y/n I can't accept that...maybe give it to your siblings or to your mom, you put so much hard work on that company to be that successful and i have my own money... enough for us all"

"Scarlett, rose is high maintenance" i chuckled

"no..please take it back on your name..y/n it's not the right time for that...baby your not gonna die..you can't die"

"no one knows babe"

"doc says it's just stage 2...y/n we can still get that shit out of you"

"3-5 years" i mumbled can't look at her

"you'll get treatment.. I don't care if we spend all of our money... I don't care if we need to sell Everything we own...i need you...not this material things" she sigh getting up leaving me in bed looking stress out

"lets just not look at the bad side.... let's just live our life to the fullest" I stated also standing up hugging her from behind

"i wanna treasure everything i do with you until we can't anymore" she chuckled holding my hand as I kiss her shoulder

"you remember that?" i giggled

"of course... I've always live up to taht whenever I'm with you" she hummed turning around to bury her self on my chest as she hugged me tightly

"i don't wanna lose you.... I can't imagine waking up without your cuddle" she stated sniffing as i felt my shirt getting wet from her tears

"you're not gonna lose me, I'll try my best to stay with you i promise"

"mommy? mama?" rose says coming in our room as we both fix our selves

"yes baby?" Scarlett says leaning down to her

"i-i had nightmare"

"oh baby cacti come here" i stated spreading my arms as she hugged me tightly feeling really scared

"baby cacti....i wanna ask you something" Scarlett says coming on our direction

"from now on we will spend every moments together...do you wanna sleep with mommy and mama everyday?"


"yes baby, then when we have cosmo we will also sleep with him together.. whole family" I responded smiling

"mama I'm still sleepy" she yawned rubbing her eyes

we just all lay down as rose fall as sleep naturally while Scarlett just sleep because of tiredness

i looked at them sleeping peacefully thinking if I'd die tomorrow it's ok.

Scarlett is financially stable to raise our kids... she's the most beautiful actress in the world she can easily find someone who can love her....i genuinely hope she'll be happier on that new someone

my mom is also stable... specially now that she finally came out and have a woman for herself.

i already helped Justin...maggie is happy with rose teacher

I'm ready...but i just can't handle the thought of Scarlett loosing another partner...rose loosing a mama...again...... and cosmo..i just wanna see him.


it's not the end... I'm gonna write this book until my contents

well I'm still not contended now so yeah?

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