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Second person POV:

You felt yourself get dragged into a room. You looked at Archer in pure fear. "W-What are you doing here, Archer!?" He sighed covering his face. "I'm sorry...The boss wanted us to try and get some guy... And that's the way Jammie convinced we should... I swear I've never been to places like this in my life." You shook your head. "C'mon...It's okay! You didn't want to do this..." He paused, "What are you doing here." You coughed slightly, "Lottie dragged me." His eyes widened, "My daughter is in this freak show!?" He reached for the door handle. You grabbed his arm stopping him, "Yes, but you aren't going to approach her like that!" He paused, "Damn it you're right..." He sighed turning to face you. "They plan to close early because tomorrow is Christmas... So we've got an hour...Or until Jammie comes and tells me we're in the clear...I wouldn't sit anywhere...Who knows what's going on with this place. One sit and you might get pregnant." You laughed slightly. "I don't think that's how it works..." You thought for a moment. "Oh! What did you want to ask me earlier today?" You watched Archer's face panic. "I-I don't think right now is the best time..." You paused, "Why?" He stared at you. "I"m dressed like a stripper..." You nodded slightly, "I mean, I don't mind...If it's really important you can just tell me!" He shook his head. "Please...It can wait." You sighed. "Alright..."  The door swung open, and there was Jammie. "Alright, we can go- Oh! When'd you get here?" He looked at you. "A while ago..." you responded. "Did you see the big man in action?" He teased Archer. You nodded, "Yeah, I did. He was great!" Archer shook his head, "Give me my clothes back...I want to get out of this cum zone." Jammie shrugged, "I think you look perfect like thatttt~" Archer growled, "My daughter is in the crowd, Jammie. Give me that so I can go scold her." He shrugged and handed Archer his clothes. He groaned starting to just try and put his clothes over the cop outfit. Then stormed out of the room. You looked at Jammie. "I hate to see him go, but I love watching him walk away." He said smiling. "You know your children are going to get married...Right?" He shrugged, "They aren't married yetttt!" You sighed deciding to make sure Archer hasn't killed his daughter yet.  You walked over and saw Archer scolding her. You sighed and started dragging him off, "Enjoy your party, Lottie...Stay safe..." You brought him outside. "Let's go..." He groaned, "Fine, fine." He unlocked the car and got in, you got in the passenger seat. He started honking the horn, "Jammie get your ass out here or I'm leaving you behind!" After a while of Jammie not coming out, he decided to leave him behind. Driving off. "Where should we go..?" He asked. You thought for a minute. "I am a little hungry..." He nodded. "Do me a favor." You looked over confused, "Take the wheel. This cop outfit is itchy." he moved the chair back, you grabbed the wheel in fear, "Archer!" You said panicked. He took his time taking off his coat and shirt getting the stripper outfit off... Then put his shirt back on, moved the chair back, and took the wheel. "Thank you, sweetie..." He said looking at you. Your eyes widened, "Archer! Look at the road!" And to think a few hours ago he was the one telling you to let him drive without distractions. He laughed looking back at the road. "Sorry sorry...I just can't stop enjoying your beauty..." 

Archer's POV:

"Well, I don't wanna die!" Muffin said looking out the window. I smiled slightly, I've run so many scenarios in my head. I just hope they come out the way I dreamed. A few minutes of Muffin whining went on, and...We finally arrived at a restaurant. "Can we afford this..?" Muffin asked. I smiled, "Don't worry about it!" I put on my coat and got out of the car, I waited for Muffin and took their hand, dragging them to the restaurant.  We got seated and I sat there the majority of the time nervous. A waiter walked over and took our orders. "Archer..?" Just hearing them say my name made me tense up. "Y-Yeah..?" Muffin sighed, "You seem on edge...Is everything okay?" I sighed, "I just have my mind on something..." They nodded, "Well...Feel free to talk to me about anything!" I nodded looking away. I do want to talk about this. But I'm...How do I say this without being weak...I guess there isn't a way...I'm afraid of the outcomes. Our food came a little later, I got some Spaghetti al nero di sepia, and Muffin got some sort of pasta I've never heard about. I don't even know how to pronounce it. "Is this like...A date?" I smiled nodded, "Wow! Our first date!" Muffin said excitedly. "I count the hospital visit the first date but...Sure." Muffin laughed a little. "I was in the hospital. You nearly killed me." I smiled, "You had me worried to death!" Muffin looked deep into my eyes, "It's not often you smile like that...You actually look happy for once..." I sighed smiling, "It's a special occasion. I have muffin all to myself." After I finished my food I took a deep breath. "Muffin...I uh... wanna ask you something...The same thing I wanted to ask when we were at the hotel." Muffin nodded, "Alright... What's up?" I took a deep breath, "Well...We both know I screw up...A lot...But no matter what I do you just...Never stay mad at me for long...You've made me feel wanted when I've felt like total shit. Hell if you weren't here I wouldn't have reconnected with my daughter...You've brought the best out of me...And I just feel like I'm in your forever debt..."I got up taking a deep breath. Then got on one knee pulling out a ring, "Y/n...You're the best thing that's ever happened to me...So I'm asking you...Will you marry me?"

Lottie's POV:

I sighed waiting outside...Everyone ditched me. It was my party and they ditched me...I watched this one-man run out of the club looking around. He kinda looked like Zane...But older. "H-Hey! Lady! Did you see a black rent car right here!" He pointed to a spot. I nodded, "My dad was in it. He was honking the horn yelling for someone...Then he got tired of waiting and left." He groaned, "So you're the girl marrying my son tomorrow? On Christmas..?" I nodded. "He picked the date, not me." He nodded. "It's kinda funny...I've never met you in my life...And I'm going to be your father-in-law..." I nodded, "Crazy huhhhh...." He walked over, "I'm sorry to ask...But are you...Just overweight..?" I stared, "Pregnant..." His eyes widened, "Is it...My sons?" I shrugged, "We're not sure..." He paused, "What do you mean...You aren't sure..?" I shrugged, "I was just like you before I got a hold of my actions..." He shook his head, "My getting marring to a slut...Oh god..." I growled, "Aw...Thanks sooo much for listening. I legit said I'm not one anymore." He sighed, "What are you going to do If it isn't his?" I sighed, "He said he doesn't care if it is or not. He's going to love it either way." He sighed, "I doubt it. I know Archer didn't love the other baby." I growled, "Why don't you shut the fuck up?!"

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