Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lottie's POV (Flashback):

I looked at dad in fear. "D-Daddy...What happened to mommy..." He looked over. "Fuck..." His eyes widened. "Lottie! Princess, what are you doing out of bed!?"  I whined, "I-I wanted water...W-Why is mommy on the floor..?" he sighed. "Look, sweetie...Mommy didn't fit with our...situation..." I looked at him in fear. "Is she...Dead...?" he nodded making me cry.  "Now now...Mommy didn't like you...Remember? We'll be fine without her." I looked up in fear. "Promise please-"  I got interrupted by sirens.  He sighed, "I have to go away for a while...But..I promise...You go upstairs and back to bed. I'll come back...And we'll live a quiet life." I smiled and ran upstairs. He opened the window and ran out. "Bye Daddy!" I said smiling

Second Person POV:

You rubbed your eyes looking around. "So. Your telling me, mom cheated on you, you killed her, her other husband, and your brother...Got away." Lottie gasped "I have a brother?!" He nodded, "He ratted me out...He gave the description of, a man in his 20s. He had a sad face mask on, and a sad face tattoo on his shoulder." She nodded, "I wish I would get rid of him... homewrecker baby..." He looked over slightly and sighed, "Me too...She looked pregnant a few weeks after you were born...then suddenly, gone. I'm sure she was pregnant with the other. "...Erm...Did you have a crush on anyone other than mom?" He chuckled, "Oh yeah. Look up Jammie Barren." She pulled up a year book and looked him up. "Woah! He was hot! Wait- You liked dudes!?" He chuckled, "Oh yeah, I was gay before I met your mother. My father beat me for it. Which is why I killed him, mom was a witness so." She laughed slightly, "Wow, you're amazing! I want to be just like you!" He chuckled, "I don't know about all that..." She laughed slightly, "Why'd you like mom?" He looked over, "What are you kidding? Did you see her chest?" She laughed, "You liked her for her tits? Nothing else?" He shook his head, "I like woman with big tits and men with big-" he saw you in the reflection mirror looking at you and shut up. He cleared his throat. "Anyway...Uh... We're a few miles away from the new house." He said nervously. The car was quiet. Too quiet for your liking. You decided to go back to sleep.

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