Chapter Thirty-Eight~

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There is Smut/Rape involved with this chapter! Continue at your own risk!

Zane's POV:
I sat next to Lottie writing in my journal then, I heard a noise. My cellphone. I normally have it off, and it was. It only goes off if my cameras go off. "Mrs.Thomson? Can I please check my phone real fast? It only goes off if I'm being robbed. And I'm afraid I might be." She nodded, "Go ahead." I pulled out my phone and looked at the camera footage. Then my eyes widened in fear. "L-Lottie? How would you describe your dad to someone who's never seen him before?" She looked up at the ceiling thinking, "Tall black-haired man, he has a big coat and wears mainly black and dark blue pants." I showed her the camera footage from my doorbell. Her eyes widened, we followed them inside with the other cameras and sped it up a little. Then. I expected something else. Anything than what really was happening. "Mr.Barren. Is something wrong here?" Mrs.Thomas walked over and looked at my phone. "Is that your father..." She walked back to her desk and started making a call. I assume it's for my father.

Jammie's POV:
I smiled watching Archer under me. It was funny. A big strong man, getting so flustered like he's in high school again. I moved my hand up and towards his crotch. I smiled watching him panic. "You look like you don't wanna do this...But your boner says otherwise. I pulled his pants down slightly and moved his boxers. I moved my head towards him and watched him freak out more. "C'mon. Don't be scared. You'll be fine." I moved up slightly and kissed his mouth. The phone on the table behind Archer started ringing, Alexa said "Incoming call from the school." I picked up the phone and hung up. And went back to what I was doing immediately. "Let me show you how much I love you..." I started kissing his neck leaving love bites. He laid there gasping and gripping the couch. I picked him up and started walking towards the bedroom. I carried him over my shoulder, somehow, as he punched and hit my back to put him down. I opened the door to my room and closed it not letting him go. "P-Please let me go I won't tell anyone about this...or I'll give you some money! Do you want money?... Please just let me out!" "Shh... don't hurt your pretty voice, you are all that I want and all I need~!"  

Archer's POV:

I looked at Jammie in pure fear. He started playing with my hair. "T-This is basically rape.." I whispered under my breath. "I know you want it." He smiled messing with me. He pushed me on the bed and grinded on my crotch as I stared in fear and tried to push him off. "Please, Jammie I-" He covered my mouth and unbuckle his belt. I tried to say things but they only came out muffled from his hand. All of the sudden I felt stronger. I pushed Jammie back, successfully and ran towards the door. I unlocked it and ran towards the couch getting my pants. I quickly put them on without hesitating to zip up the pants. I heard Jammie begging me to stay in the background, but I just kept running and running. I can't do this anymore.

Lottie's POV:

I woke up feeling thirsty for some water... It was about one in the morning...I got up and walked into the living room. A light was still kinda on and there lay dad asleep. I walked over pulling my phone out and took a picture for blackmail. I mean, who sleeps with one leg up and on their side like that..? I looked at my phone to see if it came out alright. My eyes widened. Puffy eyes... Tears...Beer...Tissues... Favorite calming blanket... "Oh...Shit, You-" I covered my mouth slightly. "Cried..." I looked at my phone and deleted the photo. I sighed putting his leg down and fixing his blanket. "...How long are you going to keep this up..?" I started fixing his pillow, "I know we don't really talk about this much...but.." I felt myself tear up, "I'm worried about you, dad..." I started rubbing his shoulder the way mom did when he was upset. "If I knew what was troubling you so bad...Maybe I could..." I shook my head, "What am I talking about..." I got up and walked towards my room. "Goodnight, Daddy..." I'd shut the door quietly and went back to bed.

Archer's POV:

"Lottie...?" I asked out tiredly. I curled up into Charlotte's feel better position and felt myself sniffle. She does still care...

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