Chapter Twenty-Six

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Second Person POV:

You sat down on the other recliner and gave Lottie your full attention. "I don't know much...But, they met when dad was 13. Dad was still in middle school, and mom was in high school... They met at a Halloween party. Mom went as a sexy vampire, and dad was dressed as some guy from a horror movie. I forget who...And they got locked in the closet...The host called it, seven minutes of hell. I'm sure the original reason he went was to murder someone, his parents died the month before. The cause was unknown. I'm sure he did it though. Anyway, back to the closet.

Third Person POV, (Flashback):

Archer stared at the door in pure fear. "What's wrong?" She asked. Archer looked up at her turning red, seeing her revealing outfit. "First time being locked in a closet?" She asked.  Arched nodded. She smiled, " minutes right? I've been in this situation before... Before they open the door, grab my waist and pretend to kiss me, alright? That keeps them from locking us up again." He nodded. The woman smiled, "You're cute, what's your name?" "A-Archer..." She smiled, "How about we be friends Archer?" He smiled and nodded. "What grade are you in?" "Seventh..." She nodded, "I'm in ninth, if you tell people your friends with me, they'll be off your tail, I've got a reputation around here." He smiled and nodded. The people outside started chanting, "FIVE FOUR THREE..." "Well...Here we go."  She leaned in for the pretend kiss, then Archer went the full hundred and actually kissed her. The door opened and everyone started yelling. He pulled back and walked out, leaving her with her eyes widened touching her lips, turning pink. All she could let out was, "W-Wow..."

Lottie's POV: 

I shrugged, "That's how I was told they met. I would go into detail... and say more...But I'm too hungover... They nodded, "Go wash that sharpie off..." She looked over, "Sharpie..? Oh...Those are tattoos. I let customers pick out my new tattoo." Their eyes widened. "There sure are a lot...Does your dad know?" I shook my head, "He would kill me if he found out." I walked to my room and put on a hoodie and short shorts. "Dad should be back soon...He said he had something important to take care of." You watched them shake slightly. "Uh...What did dad say...On the call..?" They looked over, "He just...Asked my friend if they were going to do something or not..." I nodded. "Knowing dad, he was probably annoyed." I laughed, "Cranky old man." Dad chuckled, "Old? Am I really that old to you?" I looked over, "Mhm! I'll go get the boxes."

Second Person POV:

Archer walked over to you and touched your cheek. "Hey, Muffin? How are you feeling..?" You shook nervously, "N-Not good..." "How come?" he asked. "W-... What were you doing with Lacey...?"  He stared, "I was at your house, we were boxing up your stuff, considering we're moving out." Your eyes widened, "Ohhhh! So Lacey was out of breath from picking up boxes! Not from you pounding her out..." His eyes widened, "I'm sorry what?!" Lottie laughed in the background. "Is that what you thought the whole time?! You are so dumb," she said walking in the living room with boxes. Archer looked over, "Princess..?" She looked over, "Mhm?" "What's Sperm dumpster." He growled. Their eyes widened. "I-I...It's uh-" They looked over nervously. "Nothing dad-" She said going outside putting boxes in the car. "God...You do know you're getting them all removed!" He yelled She whined. "You know the rules, young lady!" He growled. "But don't you have a tattoo, Archer-" you asked, which he quickly shut you up. "Keep your mouth shut, and I'll reward you later." You nodded keeping your mouth shut.

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