Chapter Forty-Three~

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There is  SLIGHT Smut/Rape involved with this chapter! Continue at your own risk! (I say slight because you get interrupted)

Second person POV:

'Who I am isn't important. What is, is the fact Archer is with someone who isn't me.' you turned around to see a woman. She was nearly see-through. She had, black hair, fancy-looking clothing, high heels, and she smelt like vanilla...She kinda looks like Lottie...But older..."It smells like vanilla..." Lottie said nervously looking around. "Yeah? So what..?" Zane asked catching his breath. "My mom used to always wear vanilla perfume... Dad doesn't even let the smell in the house, since you know, it reminds him of her." Your eyes widened. This was Archer's ex-wife? 'Well, technically yes. But who cares. Now, I'm going to borrow your body for a while, Kay?' What!? No! If you want to go somewhere, I'll just take you! 'Fine, get Lottie's car keys.' "Lottie, sweetie, Can I borrow your keys?" She groaned handing them to you, "I just got it painted so don't mess up the new paint-"

Lottie's POV:

Zane gasped, "They're gone! How the hell did they run so fast!?" We looked at the camera on the phone and saw dad's partner at the door. "How,!? It's like a two-hour drive!" Zane screamed in fear. It's called, "Reed's adrenaline." Only people who have been married or born into the reed family have it. Time slows way down, and you can do anything that would take at least two hours in under 4 seconds. My aunt, dad, mom, and I have it. Why the hell does dad's partner have it though? I know they aren't married...and I hope we aren't related... that would be awkward. I sighed and watched seeing how bad this is going to get. 

Archer's POV:

I took a sip of coffee. "C'mon...I've pampered you for four hours..." I shook my head, "I told you, it's not going to happen, I'm in a happy relationship-" He shook his head, "Not that! The other thing!" I chuckled slightly surprised, "You really wanna?" He nodded. I smiled, "Then alright, I'll see you in an hour or two, Alright?" I got up, setting the mug down. He smiled, "I can't wait!" I opened the door and saw muffin, "Wha- How did you find me?" I asked confused. Muffin looked up at me, "What are you doing here?!" Jammie walked over, "Is something wrong?" Muffin growled, "Yes! Something is wrong! What did you do to Archer this time?!" I sighed and picked up Muffin, "Everything is fine now, Muffin..." I turned to Jammie, "I'm sorry, I told them about the little incident with you being drunk." Jammie laughed slightly, "Ohh, I see. I'm sorry about that again." He nervously laughed, "It's fine, I guess they just got worried." Jammie smiled, "We'll you don't have to worry, Archer is in safe hands!" Muffin nodded. "Thanks again, Jammie..." I said shutting the door. "So, you forgive me?" I asked, "Not...Fully..." Muffin said. I sighed nodding. "Right..." 

Second Person POV:

You sighed looking away, then you felt yourself pull on Archer's sleeve. You looked over confused, He looked down at you, "Really? Right now..?" He growled slightly, What..? You were so confused, what does he mean 'right now..?' He walked up to the car, you looked in the reflection, You were looking right up at Archer, with a big pleasurable smile on your face. You tried to change your expression, but it wouldn't. You stared confused, what the actual hell!? 'Sorry...I just...Miss the touch of my husband...So...very much..." You heard the voice say.  I told you not to take my body! 'Yeah...I couldn't help it...' Archer set you down on the passenger side and walked to the driver's side. You watched yourself in the window, you were watching Archer the whole time. "We'll go to a hotel...Then I'm going to work, alright?" You watched yourself nod. "Sure Ravenboy..." You heard yourself say. You watched him shiver, "Don't...Call me that..." He started the car and started driving towards a hotel. You watched yourself mess with his arm, "Thank you, Ravenboy...I love you so much..." You purred. He nodded looking away. He cleared his throat, his face pink slightly, "W...What happened to being mad at me..?" You felt yourself smile, "How could I be mad at you..? You're so sweet and adorable..." Your hand moved towards his belt. He slapped it away, "Muffin! I'm driving!" He growled. You sighed turning away. "I'm sorry...I just don't want to kill us both..." He sighed. He pulled into the parking lot to a fancy-looking hotel. "Can we afford this?" You tried to ask, but you didn't even hear yourself say it. He pulled the keys out and put them in his pocket, he walked over and picked you up, then set you down. "Where'd you pick up the whole...Ravenboy thing?" He asked as you both walked to the hotel. "I've always had it with me." You heard yourself say. He nodded. 

Archer's POV:

I've been feeling deja vu ever since Muffin showed up. I walked to the counter and bought a room. I led Muffin to the elevator, standing there awkwardly. "Could we maybe...Move this to after work? I'm kinda-" Muffin smacked me. I touched my face. "No way in hell! This is happening right now!" I nodded slowly, "O-Okay..." The elevator opened and I walked to the room. Muffin is never like this...What the actual fuck... I unlocked the door and walked in. Muffin walked in and I shut the door, locking it. 

⚠️ Starts here ⚠️

Second person POV:

You felt yourself reach on your tiptoes, brushing your lips easily across his. He groaned lowly, trapping your body to his. He had you pushed against the wall, taking advantage of your current state. "Teasing me this early love?" He warned, placing his knee between your legs. You whimpered as you gently ground down on his knee, clinging to him. "Such a whore.." He chuckled, gripping your wrists tightly, roughly biting along your lips. You let out small moans, letting him abuse your lips with his. It would've gone on if you hadn't been interrupted by a knock. Archer groaned, and not from pleasure. "What is it, dammit!" He yelled, still holding you against the wall. "Uh,.. permission to enter sir?" A voice asked. "Might as well now, you fucking-" The door opened slowly, a man in a suit peeking in. Archer didn't move, rather showing the man what he was interrupting."Oh! I'm so sorry sir, just the boss needed you for-" "Yes I'll be down now." Archer said, his teeth gripped together. The man nodded, muttering apologies as he went. Archer sighed, resting his forehead to yours. "I'm sorry...I'll be back in a minute...It won't take long." "How'd they know you were here..?" You asked...Say...You said that all by yourself...I guess she left the moment the fun was over... He sighed, "Tracker I guess...It'll only be a minute." he let go of you and walked out of the room. You slowly followed. Listening. "One hour. Sir.Bernard. El bare." the man said. What's that supposed to mean? 

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