Vlog #91 | best friend moments

Comenzar desde el principio

"but I'm hot" she responded pouting

"what are you trying to apply?" brie asked also laughing at her

"hehehe the potato is talking" y/n stated pointing at brie

"throw her outside the window.. please" brie scoff making everyone chuckle

"lets change the question, y/n whats something you have that Colin doesn't?" Hemsworth asked and I'm genuinely confused why my husband is our topic

"lips...duh" y/n huff before falling on my chest making me lay down while shes on top of me drunk asf


i was just cleaning the whole house already exhausted not knowing how to fix the fan when the doorbell suddenly rang

i quickly made my way opening the door and on my surprised it's y/n. i widen my eyes realizing i look like a homeless person, she tried to talk but i panicked and close the door to remove the dirty apron and let my hair fall

as i open the door again she's looking weird out but quickly brush it off while showing me a clear plastic full of containers

"my mom came by and cooked, i remember you love her food so i bring you some" she smiled and i just grabbed the food letting her inside

"are you cleaning?" she asked looking at the mess

"oh..yeah, sorry it's really dirty right now" i apologize while putting the food she gave me to the ref

as i get my attention back to her she's already sitting on a chair in front of the broken electric fan observing it

"do you have screwdrivers?" she asked

"yes..wait" i said running to the garage to get it

"you know...how to fix it?" i asked hesitantly, knowing her she doesn't even know how to clean her own clothes

"watch and learn" she scoff smirking to her self making me roll my eyes playfully

"where's colin? he's supposed to help you on this stuffs...what? you do the cleaning, you do the cooking, you do the fixing?" she asked and i stopped for a while realizing she's right like this is a work for men

"he's out of town for work" i responded pouring a glass of juice for the both of us

i just sat in front of her sipping my juice while she's doing the work and honestly she looks like she knows what she's doing

"God it's so hot in here" she sigh removing her hoodie as i choked on my drink seeing her in a tank top for the first time

"you ok?" she asked and i nodded

"scar? are you cooking?" she asked as i widen my eyes remembering i didn't turn off the stove

before i even stood up she run to the kitchen to turn it off. i tried to grabbed the spatula but she get it on my hands

"i can multitask...rest for a while, you already looked so tired" she sigh and i nodded before sitting at the kitchen counter

she grabbed the fan putting it at the counter closer to the stove so she can work less hustle

i watched as she fixed the fan and occasionally flipping the ham i was cooking

i get off the counter getting a towel damping it at her forehead to wipe her sweat but she stopped on what she's doing being stunned on what i just did....i realized this is awkward... I'm awkward

"s-sorry i j-just wanna help" i stated swallowing thickly with a raising heart

she just smiled grabbing my hand with the towel damping it back to her forehead and neck

"there" she smiled again before finally putting the last piece of the fan and turn off the stove serving the food

"yes!!!!" we both cheered happily as she successfully fixed it

i just let her sit at the counter serving her food and drinks before sitting beside her

"sorry i didn't know you we're coming..so i just cooked ham.." i mumbled being embarrassed that after what she did i didn't even had better food for her

"it's fine, i mean i love ham" she stated chewing

after eating we just rests for a while but before she leave she helped me to clean until everything is done and even helped me on my concern about my car

i smiled to myself not knowing why but my attention was quickly caught by her hoodie on the sofa


hey y/n?-
you left your hoodie-

-wow I'm just realizing that now lol

just come and get it you don't want me- to make it a rag don't you?

-actually I can't come back...
-theres literally paparazzi outside your house

so you don't like being rumored as my- girlfriend?

-not when you have a boyfriend
-but also like...
-why not?

just come and get ittt-

-im already home, you can keep it if you want
-i know you like how i smell

shut uppp😂-
it's mine now-





r: maggiealfonzo

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