Chapter 41

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(A/N: I will say this once. This chapter killing people and torturing them a little. If you aren't comfortable with it, please don't read.)

Izuku POV

They stood over the victim and looked down on it.

Me: "Not that bad."

They turned around to me and looked up, because i was still on a rooftop. I jumped down and landedn smoothly like a cat or so.

Me: "It was quit riskful but what is life without a little risk?"

Me: "But still. In an actual battle it wouldn't be that good of use. You need to kill them as soon as possible. That means already Aizawa should have killed him the moment he was able to. But anyways moving on."

Me: "You both didn't do to bad but a lot of training is awaiting you. So i guess you can stay villains."

They both nodded. Why the hell are they so quiet????? Moving onnnn.

Me: "We will need to fatch the others, so let's go."

I started running down the streets and the heros following me. Nearly not a single person was on the streets right now if they weren't completly drunk.

Normally, i would just ask them, where they are and teleport them home but i wanted to see how much stamina these two have.

Aizawa i think has a really big amount of stamina. I mean he fought all the villains at the USJ. Alone. I am still shocked but also proud.

But with Mic... I can't really say something about it. I guess he has a big lung vloume for all the air he needs for his quirk but the rest? I really don't know.

I let one of my quirks scan the surrondings all the time in a reach of about 100 feet (30m). I soon found Iida again. 

I made a sharp turn to the right and ran in Iida's direction though a dark alleyway. mic and AIzawa following me still a little taken back by my sudden turn.

I met Iida just standing a few meters away from the corps of a person.

Iida: "Hey, Izuku."

Me: *chuckel* "Hey, Iida. You have been working on your skills of your surrundings, i see."

Iida: "I mean i guess you could say that but anyway: What's going on?"

Me: "I will explain it to you in a minute. But first: Where is Shoto?"

Iida: "hmmmm."

In that moment, about 150 feet (45m) away from us, fire shoot up for a short time and you could still see it over the rooftops.

Iida: "There." *pointing to the direction the fire came from*

Me: "let's go there then."

We started running through the alleys but not so fast as Iida and I could normally run so that we wouldn't lose Aizawa and Mic.

We soon arrived at Shoto's position.

Shoto: "I guess, he is dead."

He looked at the corpse, or more like that what is left of it because it was all ash, before turning to me.

Me: "I guess so."

I walked over to him and smiled at him. He did the same but i turned around before he could get the idea of kissing me.

Me: "Did you get them all done?"

Iida: "No, two are still missing."

Me: "more fun for me."

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