Chapter 29

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Izuku POV

"Stand still, Deaths Dark Emperor."

"Oh, you know me? How lovely. Now i don't have to inroduce myself. But i won't do what you want from me, i hope that is clear to you."

"You will do, what i tell you."

"And why should I? Because you are the fromer number one hero? Did you forget i am a villain or something? I don't care if you are the former number one or just some unimportant sidecharacter, nobody knew, that he exsisted. By the way, do you actually think, i ever listened to what a hero said? Because if you do, then let me tell you: I DIDN'T!"

All Might stood there, frozen. 

He probably knew now, that

 1. he couldn't defeand himself. He probably again came to 'Help' before thinking of anything else. I mean, how stupid can you be? In a condition like his just even stepping out of the house is nearly suicide. 

2. he couldn't talk with me because i rejected every single of his words. That was his only option besides trying to fight me. talking me out of the situation but especiall out of being a villain but the only hero, who could have the possibility to talk someone out of something like being a villain his Eraserhead and he is, well, not available right now.

And 3. that he was probably gonna die here and now. Because i won't do much else beside torturing him before killing him. But i can't take to long. I still have something to do.

And he then made a quick decision. The only thing a normal sane person would do, when they were in a situation like he is. One that i was already predicting, he would make, so i was prepared for what he was doing.

All Might turned around and started running down the corridor away from me.

But that wasn't much use for him or a help.

I smiled. A devilish, creepy smile. 

Let's make this a show.

I powered up One for All and the green lightnings were now all around me. I hopped from the ground against the wall and then from one wall to another. I soon were infront of All Might in my regular fighting position in which i usually am, when we are having training fights.  The lightnings were still around me.

When All Might saw me, his eyes widened.

"That's impossible."

"Oh, is it?"

I took off my mask, showing him the face, he saw so often already as 'His boy' or 'his student' or something. 

(A/N: Just an info: The mask have voice changers inside of them. I think i never said it, but i do now.)

God, how i hated these names.

My mask was now hanging around my neck and i didn't bother putting it back on. All Might decided to talk again after his long time of silence. Well, it wasn't really long for a normal human being but for his conditions probably a new best time in silence. I mean like: damn, that bitch be talking all day long without point and comma.

"I-It can't be.."

"Oh, but it can be! And it is! I got a new style" I motioned to my clothes wich were really diffrent to what i usually wear "and a few new toys" Out of nowhere i got myself some daggers and a gun, it was one of my quirks "That are gonna put an end to your happily ever after, ONCE AND FOR ALL"

I pointed the gun at him, the daggers still in my other hand.

All Might stood there in complet shock.

I didn't want to wait for him to get out of it so i used it.

I ran at him, let the gun slid in its pocket on my belt and cut open one of his sides of his stomach with my daggers. Nothing to serious, but it got him back out of his trace.

"My boy, this isn't you!"


In my rage and anger, i got the gun back out and shoot All Might once in every knee. He sunck down on them.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But still. This isn't you!"

"Oh this is, who i really am. The sweet little stupid boy was just an act. An act, i will never play  again! And by the way: YOUR APOLOGIZE WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING! YOU ARE THE REASON I AM LIKE THAT! IF YOU WANTED TO APOLOGIZE, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT LONG AGO! NOW IT'S FAR TO LATE! SO SPARE ME WITH YOUR STUPID APOLOGIZES!"

I attacked All Might again. He tried to defend himself, but it was way to easy. I grabed his arm, hit it on my knee and broke it completly. After that i took a step back from All Might, who screamed in pain.

"Now, you know, how i always felt. Every fucking time i was froced to use YOUR stupid quirk. To act all good and not suspiciuos. I NEEDED TO BREAK EVERY FUCKING BONE! So why should i be the only one, who needs to experience such pain?"

While walked back up to All Might and took his other arm, a sick grin appeared on my face. I started with breaking every single of his fingers. He screamed in pain. After his fingers, i went on to his arm and then broke his legs by steeping on them. 

I took a step back and enjoyed the sight of him being in pain.

He was trying to back away from me, but he didn't get far.

I took again on of my daggers and rammed it directly into the wound of his old fight. He was now in more and more pain.

I was thinking about pulling it back outside but nah, i don't wanna do that.

I turned around and my back was now facing him. I walked two steps away from him when he said between screams

"If you really hate me so much then finish it."

"Yeah, i probably should. It's rude to not accept a death wish."

I put my mask back on and only turned my head around looking at him with my dark green eyes, which were truning more draker and redder with evrey second. I took out my gun and pointed at him. I could see the fear in his eyes. I smiled under the mask.

"Say goodbye to being alive and hello to hell."

I pulled the trigger.

You could hear the shot echo threw the corridor.

I didn't even look at the 'hero' and just started walking down the corridor, away from the two corpses of fromer number one heros, continuing my path to my original destination. I had spent way to much time on this, but it was so much fun.

But right now there is something else more important, which i need to do.



I hope you liked the chapter.

Have a nice Day/Night!

Your A/N

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