Chapter 35

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Izuku POV

I opened the door and got onto the hallway.

I took control over Eri's shadow, just to be sure, she doesn't go anywhere. i can't have her running around the headquaters. She would be dead, before you could say anything.

I then started running to Hitoshi's room.

I didn't bother knocking, which i did regrett, the moment i walked in.

Because infront of me were Hitoshi and Denki laying on Hitoshi's bed, without any cloth on and Hitoshi on top of Denki. 


I did not need to see that today.

I looked at them with a complet neutral look. They both had just turned their heads towards me. Still frocen in shock.

"I need you, Hitoshi. I will be waiting outside."

With that i turned around and closed the door behind me.

I focused on Eri's shadow. 

She was walking around a little in the room, but nothing to cracy or dangerous. That's good.

A few moments later, Hitoshi came out of the room. Dressed.

"Did you need to just walk in like that? Don't you know, what knocking is?"

"I do know what knocking is, but i needed you as soon as possible and that was the easiest way to get you."

"For what do you even need me?"

"You will see."

I continued my way down the hallway back to my dorm. I guided Eri back on the bed and then walked through the door.

When she saw me she smiled again and once she saw Hitoshi behind me, she yelled "Nii-san" and ran up to him and hugged his legs.

"Hey Eri. What are you doing here?"

Hitoshi padded her head and also had one arm around her. She looked up to him and said

"Mr. Deku brought me here. He wanted to show me something he learned to do in training."

Hitoshi looked at me angrily. I just shruged my shoulders and then turned to Eri

"So, Eri, now you found somebody you can play with and i am sure Denki will aswell, because i have something to do."

"Huh, didn't you-" Eri started but before she could finish, i said "We can do it another time okay? Right now, i still have something important to do."

At first, she looked sad, but then she nodded and clinged even harder to Hitoshi. He gave me an angry look but i didn't care.

I opened a portal to Hitoshi's room and hoped, Denki would have gottan the idea of putting some cloth back on. I then lightly pushed Hitoshi through the portal and Eri followed him. I closed it again.

I took a deep breath. Thank god, this worked out so well.

But now to what i still needed to do.

I changed my outfit from my uniform for UA back to my bloodflooded villain cloth and walked out of the room.

I walked through multiple hallways and soon got to the main room.

I saw Shoto there, he was talking with the rest of the Interfectio and i quickly sneeked up on him, gave him a lightl kiss on the cheek, before leaving again.

I walked through another door out of the main room and to a very specific room.

Before I opened the door, i put on my mask. As soon as the door was open, i was met with Kurogiri.

"Hey, Kurogiri, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, hello Emperor."

That he called me by my villain name told me, that at least one of them was already awake.

"I am watching over them. But because you are here now, i don't think that is necessery anymore."

I nodded and he left. He closed the door behind him so there wasnt really much more light in the room than that, was a single lightbubble without lampshade could give.

I looked at the people in the room.

It were specificly two.

They were both chaned to chairs. They stood so far away from each other, so they couldn't reach the other person.

Kurogiri did a great job.

I looked at them in more detail and i realised, who of these two was already awake.


"Hello Aizawa. You don't need to act as if you are still asleep, i already know, you aren't"

He opened his eyes, anger showing in the as well as fury-

"Oh, why so made at me? What did i do?"

"You hurt my studenty and kidnapped me and a fellow staff member. Why shouldn't i be mad?"

"First of all: You can call him your husband, i know you are married. And second: I didn't touch any of your students. So far."

"And why should i believe a villain?"

"Why shouldn't you?"

"Because you always lie."

"And a hero always tells the truth?"

Aizawa stayed silent. And that was more worth than any possible answer.

"See. Now let's wait for your husband to wake up."

"Why did you even kidnap us?"

"You will find out soon enough."

Aizawa continued to stare at me, while i was walking around.

Mic soon woke up with the words "Where the hell am i?"

"That's for me to know and for you to possibly find out."

He turned to me, who just spoke.

"Aren't you-"

"Death's drak emperor? Yes. Now deal with it."

"So, why are we here now?" Aizawa asked. 

"Oh yeah, i nearly forgot."

I focused on Eri's shadow. She was sitting on Hitoshi's bed. He was sitting next to her, while Denki was doing some weird poses. It looked, like that both we wearing normal cloth. So i teleported both of them next to me.

"What the hell?" Hitoshi yelled at me.

"Hitoshi? Eri?" Both, Aizawa and Mic called out, rather confused.

But before any of them could move, i had both Eri and Hitoshi pinned to the wall by an invisibal force, while knifes being at their throats.

"What the hell!" Hitoshi called out again, while Eri was there, shivering.

"Now" I turned back to Aizawa and Mic, still the knives at their throats "Let's talk."



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I also wanted to tell you, that i won't be able to update that often again, because i need to go back to school. But i will try to update two or three times a weak.

Have a nice day/Night.

Your A/N

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