Call for a truce part 2

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The hound/ Sandor or something like that brought out the crate in the middle space between the summit factions and putting it down.He threw the ropes aside but as the crate remained still after a few moments his impatience got the better of him amusing Alexandra slightly .Finally he kicked the crate jostling it inevitably sending tumbling over . The wight scrambled out of the box menacingly.

The wight now devoid of his winter clothing, instead only covered in scraps of cloths to reveal the rotting mess of his body. The scientist in Alexandra wished to examine the corpse and the effect the night kings magic had on the organs in their bodies .. but she pushed aside her scientific urge in favor of her ire at Trigon and his part in these creatures creation.

She watched stony faced as the hound tugged the chain around the walkers neck trying to reign him in, though the Walker seemed to be after his pound of flesh — he tried making his way from his spot to Cersei , right beside Alexandra— the gnashing and snarling disgusted her momentarily but she felt something else .. perhaps Justice when the Walker reached its claws merely inches from Cersei's face making the woman stare back in abject horror. But before it reached her and possibly clawed her eyes out the chain was tugged once more reigning the creature in.

Absolute silence echoed throughout the dragon pit , aside from the walkers screeches — Cersei couldn't believe it, neither could her faction. The dead.. an army of these dead were headed in their direction.

The hound reigned in the creature managing to slice off his arms but the wight not even affected by the severed limbs still tried moving forward this time the hound sliced through its torso.. the top half of the wight still trying to get at Cersei. The entire show was almost too amusing to Alexandra that she had to force herself to not laugh out loud at the wights sheer determination or near obession in getting to Cersei.

The startling realization on everyone present was not lost on them, the dead are coming and they are hungry. Their meal was an all you can eat buffet who had been fighting amongst themselves.

Alexandra watched as Jon took a lit torch and demonstrated how fire could kill them, he then took a dragon glass shard and pierced the moving torso — killing it completely.

" we can kill them by using fire and we destroy them by using dragon glass.." he gestured to the corpse "if we don't win this fight then this is our fate." He intoned deeply trying to get the queen and her faction to understand the grievous situation they found themselves in.

"There is only one war that matters and it is here"

Daenerys spoke up from her spot "I myself didn't believe him entirely until I saw it with my own eyes.." her gaze trailed to Alexandra momentarily watching her lover die was still fresh in her mind but she managed to keep her emotions from her face..

Jaimie looked at the creature and then back to Danny "how many?"

" a hundred thousand at least" she said slowly

Alexandra spoke up "They are only the beginning .. they're reanimated corpses.. but the creature more dangerous than his foot soldiers is the night king and his lieutenants.The night king commands them .. his goal?" She looked at Jaimie dead in the eye "is not only to erase every speck of life on this planet.. but ultimately he yearns to embroil the world into an eternal winter and him at its helm.." She sighed inwardly " Nearly 8000 years ago he came close — he marched on Westeros from the north killing all in their path and reanimating corpses to serve as mindless soldiers in his undead army.. your ancestors, the people of Westeros realized that if they were to survive and not succumb to extinction they needed to band together .. the conflict has been written off as myth amongst you all.. but it happened only by pooling their strength setting aside their differences were they able to fight off the night king and his army.. sending him north to the land of always winter .." she paused noting that everyone's eyes were on her now " He has come again .. this time the people of Westeros are more split than before.. he will use it to his advantage — so while we're here sitting and squabbling about a war that will be made irrelevant if humanity doesn't live to see summer.. winter isn't coming ." She closed her eyes breathing out a resigned breath " It's already here.."

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