Its addictive

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The initial days at Mayo Clinic were just as hectic as she had anticipated, if not more so. The emergency room was bustling, with the attending physicians showing little patience for the interns. Despite the challenging environment, she tried to remain composed, aware that many surgeons there exhibited a sense of superiority.

With her blonde hair now tied in a loose bun, she hurried back and forth to gather the labs requested by her demanding resident. Known to be tough but highly efficient, the resident was rumored to be the best in the hospital, with close ties to the chief resident. Feeling the pressure to impress, Alex made sure not to make any mistakes.

Gratefully acknowledging the lab technician for expediting the tests, she swiftly made her way through the maze-like hallways. Occasionally pausing to avoid colliding with walls, she reminded herself of the importance of staying on top of things in such a fast-paced environment.

"Dr. Rovers," she said, catching her breath, putting on a smile despite being flushed from running.

"Got the labs? Great," the folder was taken from her hands. She tried to look over the woman's shoulder, but it was hard and unwelcome, especially when the doctor gave her an annoyed glance.

"It's surprising you got these so quickly. But we also need to act fast, our patient is in danger," she straightened up at that and followed the woman through the halls.

They arrived at the hospital room, and she sensed the folder being placed in her hands. She quickly agreed to look over it. When she studied the lab results, she was alarmed. The boy's numbers were concerning, especially since he was also dealing with thrombocytopenia. His platelet count was already low, and factoring in the recent fall, things were not looking good.

"Sam, we just got your results... it's urgent that we run more tests to assess your condition. My intern will accompany you for scans to determine the extent of your injuries," Dr. Rovers indicated, pointing at her. She put on a relaxed smile and snapped the folder shut.

The 10-year-old boy asked, "What kind of tests?" His mother, standing beside his bed, gently rubbed his shoulder as Alex smiled reassuringly.

"We have to do a scan to check for internal bleeding, especially since you have thrombocytopenia and are prone to bruising and bleeding easily. It's just a precaution, and the tests won't be intrusive, so don't be scared," she comforted the boy.

She noticed his shoulders relax a bit and added, "As Dr. Gordon mentioned, we just want to ensure you're okay before you go."

The boy nodded slowly. "Will you be there?" He asked pointing to Alex.

Alex shot a look over at Dr Rovers who raised a brow "if you want me sure.." she nodded.

He nodded "good.. you're a nice lady." She smiled with a chuckle

"Thanks, you're pretty swell too Sam" she joked.

After she left the room, her resident gave her a nod, saying, "You're really good with children, aren't you?"

Alex responded casually, "My dad used to take me on medical missions to third world countries where I saw many kids in need of medicine they didn't have access to."

Dr. Rovers chuckled and commented, "You come from a family of doctors, right?"

Alex looked puzzled for a moment before understanding the implication. "Yes, I suppose I do. Will that be an issue?" she inquired, knowing that her medical background had sometimes caused her to be ostracized in school due to perceptions about kids from medical families.

Dr Rovers nodded, "Just do your job and don't expect any special treatment. Your family's accomplishments don't define you here. You're an intern and you need to prove yourself." Alexandra grinned in agreement.

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